no pics for me this weekend....

no pics for me this weekend....
Posted by Steve-o on September 14, 2003 at 18:13:10: Previous Next

I won't be taking any progress pics this weekend due to the fact that I've broken out with what appears to be poisin sumac. I can't say for sure that it is because the two other people I was doing yard work with are fine, but I have a serious case.
It's like one of those irresistable itches that hurts to scratch but doesn't go away. It looks like a bad rash and has spread from both forearms to my neck and part of my face. I'd hate to immortalize this "rash" with progress pics, but I'll take some after I get it taken care of (I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning). Just letting you know that it'll be just a bit longer until I take more pics.

See ya around.

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