How much is too much?

How much is too much?
Posted by Brian on September 22, 2003 at 13:37:55: Previous Next

Hello all. I have recently been wondering some things regarding the amount of shampoo that should be used.

Initially, I thought a nice palm-sized amount of shampoo and conditioner was ample, but I soon realized this was too much. I have been using less than that, but more than the "quarter-sized" amount that I've seen others post.

I also had to cut down on conditioner, because I found that using too much coupled with no shampoo makes my hair pretty "greasy". I try to work it into the ends work than the scalp as well. I'm also about half-way out of VIVE Smooth Intense, and it seems I'm going through it quicker than my former Aussie products. But then again, hair length could play a factor in that (My hair is a little over eight inches all over).

So now I must ask you, the community, how much you use and/or recommend using?

Cheers in advance,

- Brian

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