Aussie Mega may have a new follower...

Aussie Mega may have a new follower...
Posted by Sid on September 23, 2003 at 18:51:53: Previous Next

Hey guys, just to let you know, when I returned my loreal vive shampoo and conditioner I decided I should try something else. I'd heard a lot of you talk about how good Aussie Moist was, so I looked at the Aussie products.
One of the things I realized was my hair is not really all that dry. It is more along the lines of "normal to dry". Does anyone else have that hair type? I've never really heard of it before but I think my hair lies somewhere in between these two types.
So anywayb I decided to try Aussie Mega, for normal hair.
This is only my second day of using it but so far it's going really good! It washes out great, makes it softer than it has ever been before, the shine is decent I suppose, but the smell is terriffic! I'm glad I tried it but I am really hoping that I can use it and the effects will last- thats what Im hoping for! Anyone else ever used it and have stories/advice to share?
Now I just need to get some monet to get a Boar Bristle Brush, and hopefully my hair care will be complete!

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