Weakest Link TV show (UK)

Weakest Link TV show (UK)
Posted by Big L on September 25, 2003 at 10:04:56: Previous Next

I was watching the Weakest Link a couple of days ago and one of the male contestants had nearly waist-length thick blond hair which he wore loose. When it was down to the last three contestants he was voted off by the other two (one man, one woman) NOT because he was the weakest link (he'd been one of the cleverer contestants throughout the show) but because the woman said 'I'm sick of looking at his hair' and the man said 'he looks like he should wear a dress' (incidentally, the bloke was quite stocky and not in the least feminine in appearance).

Why are people like this ? I just don't understand ....

Ranting over now. Thought I'd just share this !

PS I've realised that I've been posting here for months and STILL not posted a picture. Must get my arse in gear and overcome my techno-ignorance !

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