Sebastian Potion 9 Conditioner

Sebastian Potion 9 Conditioner
Posted by armedwithjello on September 25, 2003 at 11:20:21: Previous Next

Hi everybody,

I stumbled across this message board while surfing the web. I am a woman with really long hair, and I was also a hairdresser for several years. I noticed that there is no mention on here of my favourite hair product EVER: Sebastian's Potion 9 leave-in conditioner.

I am not selling this stuff. In fact, I can't even find a supplier to sell it to me at cost. I have to buy it in salons just like everybody else does.

It's a creamy leave-in conditioner, and you just use a small amount (my hair is to my elbow, and I use a blob the diameter of a nickel for my hair) and rub it on wet, freshly-washed hair. I don't put it on the roots, because then it gets greasy, but it's great for keeping the ends moist and frizz-free.

This is especially good for Canadian winters, airplane hair, or anyone who blow dries or swims a lot. It helps prevent chlorine from pools from soaking into your hair, and it holds the moisture in when the environment is trying to strip it all away.

On top of that, your hair ends up incredibly soft and shiny. I have men and women constantly approaching me and asking to touch my hair!

I don't know how many people I've converted to this stuff. I'll go on holiday or whatever and meet someone with long hair, coloured or bleached hair, or anything else dry, and I'll give them a little bit and they decide to go out and buy some right away.

It is rather pricey, so I buy it in the 500mL pump bottles like they use in salons. One of those costs me $50 Canadian, and lasts me nearly a year. That's the cheapest way you can buy it.

I don't recommend the other Sebastian products, just Potion 9. It can be purchased at any salon that sells the Sebastian line. They're all over North America and I believe you can buy it in Europe too. I strongly suggest you give it a try!

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