Need some tips on straightening

Need some tips on straightening
Posted by Knuckles on September 26, 2003 at 17:38:08: Previous Next

I have longish hair on top (not long compared to most of you) it's very thick & wavy, frizzy... just out of control, like Kramer from Seinfeld. Currently what I do is slick it down with tons of elmers glue, but this still has trouble controlling it (whats left.. super glue,lol) I know more lenght would help a bit, but i really don't want it any longer than this and it would still be bad (i had it down to mid-back once and it was the same problem) So is there anything I could use to straighten it other than doing it chemically (i really can't afford to be straightening it every few months) I've seen some products but they all require a blowdryer... is there anything you can just put in your hair and there ya go, straight for the day? Ive thought about a straightening iron but i think id rather not do that. well if there's nothing i can do i'm just going to cut it really short b/c it's way to much trouble, i mean i can't go into pools, have to be very careful of rain and i have to wait til everyones asleep to shower or else the jokes on me.

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