Two Sides to this coin....
Posted by nWo_Slapnut on September 28, 2003 at 00:07:42: Previous Next
I've been growing my hair out from a buzz cut for roughly 18 months now, with absolutely no trimming whatsoever. My hair is fairly wavy, so I can't comb it behind my ears without it falling back in my face before too long. My hair is not yet long enough that I can tie my bangs into a ponytail at the back, so I've been wearing a bandana to keep hair out of my face.
The news I have to report is that I've been finding that my bandanas have been coming undone more and more often since the beginning of September. This is strange considering the fact that I've been trying them the same way I've been tying them for over a year, and all of my bandanas have been washed several times, so I don't think I can attribute their inability to keep my hair constrained for extended periods of time to the shrinkage of the material. I think my hair may have grown to the point that there's too much of it for my bandana to effectively keep it bundled up (I tuck all of the hair that would normally hang out the back of my bandana inside of it). It's great that my hair has gained evident length with growth, but at the same time, I can't wait until I'll be able to tye it back!
Re: Two Sides to this coin....
Posted by Josiah on September 28, 2003 at 09:26:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: Two Sides to this coin.... posted by nWo_Slapnut on September 28, 2003 at 00:07:42:
try a baseball cap to keep the hair in check. works wonders on windy days.