do you workout ?
Posted by Mike on October 01, 2003 at 10:11:27: Previous Next
If you workout often, do sports etc... and take a shower in the morning and then again in the afternoon after working out, do you:
1. Shampoo and condition
2. Just condition both times
3. rinse once just with water and then condition the other time
4. not condition or shampoo
I shampoo twice a week and I condition both times during the day but I am worried this too much, even for my thick curly hair?
Re: do you workout ?
Posted by ahren on October 01, 2003 at 12:04:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: do you workout ? posted by Mike on October 01, 2003 at 10:11:27:
: If you workout often, do sports etc... and take a shower in the morning and then again in the afternoon after working out, do you:
: 1. Shampoo and condition
: 2. Just condition both times
: 3. rinse once just with water and then condition the other time
: 4. not condition or shampoo
: I shampoo twice a week and I condition both times during the day but I am worried this too much, even for my thick curly hair?
Typically I shampoo every 5 to 7 days, and just rince and condition for showers inbetween. But if after a workout I'm so filthy I must shower I either don't get my hair wet, or rince and condition. I don't you really have anything to worry about. But maybe if you know you're going to shower after a workout later just don't get your hair wet that morning when you shower. Or just keep donig what you're doing and make sure you rince real well after conditioning and I think you'll be just fine.
Re: do you workout ?
Posted by Dan on October 01, 2003 at 12:52:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: do you workout ? posted by Mike on October 01, 2003 at 10:11:27:
I shampoo every 4-7 days. I condition every time I shower and rinse thoroughly. I have very thick, curly hair.
Re: do you workout ?
Posted by Robert on October 01, 2003 at 19:45:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: do you workout ? posted by Mike on October 01, 2003 at 10:11:27:
I work out with weights regularyly (five days a week). I wash my hair every other shower, and then just rinse with water on the other times. I have not used conditioner in four months--since beginning to use Aussie. So far, works very well for me. Hair is mid back length, thick, straight, though with lots of body, so it often can be a bit wavy as well.
: If you workout often, do sports etc... and take a shower in the morning and then again in the afternoon after working out, do you:
: 1. Shampoo and condition
: 2. Just condition both times
: 3. rinse once just with water and then condition the other time
: 4. not condition or shampoo
: I shampoo twice a week and I condition both times during the day but I am worried this too much, even for my thick curly hair?
Re: do you workout ?
Posted by Cactus Jack on October 02, 2003 at 14:20:00: Previous Next
In Reply to: do you workout ? posted by Mike on October 01, 2003 at 10:11:27:
depends on what i'm doing
when i work out with weights i just tie it in a high ponytail to keep it off my back and that keeps the sweat off it so i just rinse it quick when i'm in the shower
but when i do martial-arts or wrestling i usually wash and condition when i get home or i smell too sweaty