Hairglove is good for bike riders!
Posted by Adrian on October 02, 2003 at 22:38:55: Previous Next
Have a 12"+ long ponytail, and driving a Harley didn't provide me with a lot of options to avoid knots and tangles while riding.
1. Ponytail (spend an hour combing out knots & tangles after riding)
2. Braid (works great, but never figured out how to do it myself)
3. Triple ponytail (also works great, but was pain & broke hairs)
4. Tuck it under my shirt (usually some hair come out while riding)
But now I got a hairglove. This is a pretty cool thing. It's a piece of leather that attaches to your ponytail holder and wraps around the length of the hair. It's easy to put on and works great. I got it at for like $15. I highly reccomend it to others with long hair who ride.
Re: Hairglove is good for bike riders!
Posted by ahren on October 02, 2003 at 23:04:09: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hairglove is good for bike riders! posted by Adrian on October 02, 2003 at 22:38:55:
: But now I got a hairglove. This is a pretty cool thing. It's a piece of leather that attaches to your ponytail holder and wraps around the length of the hair. It's easy to put on and works great. I got it at for like $15. I highly reccomend it to others with long hair who ride.
: -Adrian
Cool, I'll have to remember that. When I took my MSF course I used one of these things
With it I never had trouble putting on and taking off my helmet. Plus the part that hangs down I wrapped around my tail and tied it off so it didn't get all tangled in the wind.
Now if only I could just find a decent bike...
Re: Hairglove is good for bike riders!
Posted by Rogeree on October 03, 2003 at 00:36:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hairglove is good for bike riders! posted by Adrian on October 02, 2003 at 22:38:55:
I use it every day. Best invention for longhaired motorcyclists.
Goes on easy. Comes off easy. Never a tangled hair. They're great.
It holds my foot long pony just fine.
Re: Hairglove is good for bike riders!
Posted by Mark Ellott on October 03, 2003 at 05:53:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hairglove is good for bike riders! posted by Adrian on October 02, 2003 at 22:38:55:
I agree - mine is only 8 inches at the moment, but the glove works brilliantly keeping the tail tidy even under the helmet.
Re: Hairglove is good for bike riders!
Posted by SFMike on October 03, 2003 at 07:53:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hairglove is good for bike riders! posted by Adrian on October 02, 2003 at 22:38:55:
: But now I got a hairglove. This is a pretty cool thing. It's a piece of leather that attaches to your ponytail holder and wraps around the length of the hair. It's easy to put on and works great.
I ride alot and have alot of these too - they do work well! What I have found is the neoprene ones are alot lighter than the leather ones and you don't feel the weight of them as much as the leather ones!
I have kind of put the hair gloves aside though in favour of what I consider to be the most versatile thing yet - a "Buff" - the things they have on the "Survivor" series - Since it's a big spandex tube, approx. 20" long, you put it on over your hair and around your neck, then pull it over all your hair and head like a doo rag, but with your hair through it so it basically encases the hair - no ponytail holder stress, no breakage! And for reasons I have not figured out yet, your hair won't tangle - hope this all made sense, its early am! - Mike Good for other sports too! In Reply to: Hairglove is good for bike riders! posted by Adrian on October 02, 2003 at 22:38:55: : -Adrian -William
Posted by gah2dantz on October 03, 2003 at 08:04:11: Previous Next
: But now I got a hairglove. This is a pretty cool thing. It's a piece of leather that attaches to your ponytail holder and wraps around the length of the hair. It's easy to put on and works great. I got it at for like $15. I highly reccomend it to others with long hair who ride.
I am not a biker, but still find the hair glove a big help. As a dancesport competitor, my ponytail gets whipped around a lot. A few consecutive chaine turns and my ponytail can become pretty tangled. The hair glove keeps it in good shape and also help prevent my ponytail from slapping me in the face.