Hair Religion

Hair Religion
Posted by Steve on October 04, 2003 at 12:59:13: Previous Next

I have viewed your site before, but I took another look at it.

What is the difference between you trying to convince people to grow their hair not just long, but as long as it can grow, and a talk show host or hair stylist trying to convince someone to cut it?

Your site, which uses religion to envite, elevates you to a figure that has as much power as a host or stylist. The only difference is the size of the audience. I would welcome a show where you could bring your message to a bigger audience and make people grow their hair long.

My point is that neither you, nor the talk show hosts are "wrong". Maury Povitch and all these make-over shows apparently has an opinion/agenda and a platform to express it....and so do you. It is free speech.

Despite this being a small corner of the internet, it is still the internet. Perhaps I am the one who is wrong for challenging you in a place that is supposed to be safe. But the same can be said of a make-over show...they are a small corner of the tv world where a viewer can watch safely from those who dislike the program. No one is forcing anyone to participate in a make-over anymore than they are being convinced to grow their hair long from your religion.

With all of the sweeping generalizations bantering about, there is one stereotype about long haired people that I particularly like, and that is that long haired folks are open minded and peaceful oriented. Because we are a minority, everyone looks for a morsel of reason to dislike us. Short of violence, I ususally feel it is better to walk away from a fight. Unless someone trys to actually cut my hair without my consent, I have no problem ignoring them and getting on with my life. If I do fight back with a smart ass attitude, then it only make me AND ALL LONGHAIRED MEN look like the dirty, ignorant people they want to thing that we are (but are overwhelmingly not).

There is nothing wrong with my self-esteem, I just pick my battles very carefully.

I am in my mid-thirties and live on the west coast of the US. I work in the Arts. I may be naive and geographically limited in my personal long hair perspective, but there just doesn't seem to be much of a problem for long haired men where I am at, despite being a minority.

I apolgize for judging you and jumping to conclusions.

Preech your gospel.

Exercise your free speech.

Our discussion is now over as far as I am concerned.

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