One Year!!

One Year!!
Posted by ThatBallGuy on October 05, 2003 at 22:25:45: Previous Next

Well, I've finally reached the one year mark! And I'll be durned if my bangs can't reach my eyes when dry!(bangs, not eyes). I have really curly hair, and when the curl is pulled out, my bangs reach just past my chin, but dry, they tend to stay above my eyes for the most part.

My last haircut was nearly a shave on the sides (sandpapery) and less than 1/2 inch on the top. After one year, it's at 8 inches! yay!!

Anyways, just thought I'd share with you.

~That Ball Guy~ (juggler)

P.S. That thing hanging on the left side of my head is my dreadlock. He's 2 weeks old and his name is "Hubert" (Don't ask, you don't wanna know)

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