Wonder if we can.....

Wonder if we can.....
Posted by Rokker on October 06, 2003 at 15:16:45: Previous Next

I wonder if those of us with real long hair can get together and send a note to Maury telling him we like our hair and will NOT cut it. Period. Then tell him we'll be happy to come on his show and prove it.

I'd do it! I'm sure Hair Religion would do it. I'm telling you upfront right now that there is NO WAY I'm cutting my hair. I'll also be happy to discuss Locks Of Love, and address the issues of how they blatantly try to shame people into cutting their hair and manipulate the truth in saying your hair will go to "a nine year old cancer victim", when the truth is it likely will not!

I'd be more than happy to face Maury, people from LOL, etc. It's time for them to get a dose of reality!

By the time we leave, they'll have a new slogan at Maury....

Long hair brutality
Has become a reality!


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