Shaving hair for cancer research
Posted by Marc A on October 09, 2003 at 01:33:22: Previous Next
My employer (which I will not name for obvious reasons) posted this message on their intranet this week: Quote:
The innovative fund-raiser called Operation Shave to Save 2003 is on its way. This is the third annual effort by employees in Montreal to support breast cancer research by shaving their heads in return for donations.
"Our effort this year has more of a XYZ Corp. connection to it with the recent passing of XXXXX, who was the general manager of our XXXXX operations in Montreal, following a three year battle with breast cancer," notes IT manager XXXXX, one of the event’s organizers. "Last year we managed to raise approximately $10,000 for research, with tens of thousands more raised by other companies in the Montreal area as well."
This year’s edition is scheduled for October 24, 2003.
XXXXX reports that employees from other cities have asked him about participating in this year’s Shave to Save in memory of XXXX. Whether you’re in Montreal or elsewhere, if you wish to help organize, collect pledges, donate or have your hair shaved in front of an enthusiastic crowd to support an important cause, please contact XXXXXXXXXX for more details.
Donations of $10.00 or more will receive an income tax receipt from the XYZ Corp. Employees’ and Pensioners’ Community Fund.
Although I'm all for cancer research donation, there must be a better way, don't you agree?
Another bash on the head for us longhairs!
Re: Shaving hair for cancer research
Posted by Nyghtfall on October 09, 2003 at 03:05:27: Previous Next
In Reply to: Shaving hair for cancer research posted by Marc A on October 09, 2003 at 01:33:22:
: Although I'm all for cancer research donation, there must be a better way, don't you agree?
Whatever floats their boats, I suppose.
Someone at my work once asked me why I don't donate to the United Way drive we have every year. I told them, quite honestly, "Because I'm a selfish bastard who hates charities, and would rather spend my money on things that interest me."
The were understandably shocked, but they hid their bemusement under a polite chuckle wrapped in a reply of, "Oh, Matt..." It is true, though... I hate charities...
: Another bash on the head for us longhairs!
Nah, just some kooky way of reasing money.
Re: Shaving hair for cancer research
Posted by ColdFlu on October 09, 2003 at 10:32:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: Shaving hair for cancer research posted by Marc A on October 09, 2003 at 01:33:22:
I do not understand what hair has to do with research dollars or cancer as a amtter of fact. Who pays for the hair? How much shaven hair equals $10? The entire memo makes no logical sense to me. What is wrong with having people just donate cash for this research?
Re: Shaving hair for cancer research
Posted by Jenn on October 09, 2003 at 14:16:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Shaving hair for cancer research posted by ColdFlu on October 09, 2003 at 10:32:05:
: I do not understand what hair has to do with research dollars or cancer as a amtter of fact. Who pays for the hair? How much shaven hair equals $10? The entire memo makes no logical sense to me. What is wrong with having people just donate cash for this research?
I think people like to be martyrs. Truly. You're right, there is absolutely no reason why people should shave their heads for charity when they could just as easily donate some money and have done with it. They're wasting perfectly good hair, and for what? The only logic I can come up with is that they're sympathizing with the cancer patients because they've lost their hair, but that's insulting because the sick don't want to be treated like idols that people sacrifice things for. They just want to be normal human beings with normal lives. Am I wrong here? I wouldn't want someone to shave their head just because I had cancer...what's the point in everyone suffering? Geesh.
Re: Shaving hair for cancer research
Posted by baldie the eagle on October 09, 2003 at 13:43:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: Shaving hair for cancer research posted by Marc A on October 09, 2003 at 01:33:22:
I have had more than enough of these head shaving sessions.
why should men and women with great hair be pressured into becoming ugly/boring for the entertainment of boorish morons?
Of course there are many charities deserving our support, but sponsored vandalism is not the way to do it. Why not have a sponsored smash all the windows in the office, or a sponsored jump on all the flowers in the park?
I would much rather see a sponsorerd 'grow your hair for a year' event, perhaps supported by one of the better hair product suppliers. Not the immediate effect of shaving but a thousand times more rewarding.
My opinion: if they come to you, refuse to support sponsored vandalism, but support good charities in more positive ways.
Re: Shaving hair for cancer research
Posted by Marc A on October 09, 2003 at 19:11:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Shaving hair for cancer research posted by baldie the eagle on October 09, 2003 at 13:43:31:
sponsored vandalism...
Re: Shaving hair for cancer research
Posted by Mark Ellott on October 10, 2003 at 05:19:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Shaving hair for cancer research posted by baldie the eagle on October 09, 2003 at 13:43:31:
:I would much rather see a sponsorerd 'grow your hair for a year' event, perhaps supported by one of the better hair product suppliers. Not the immediate effect of shaving but a thousand times more rewarding.
Ah, but grow your hair for a year requires effort - and, frankly, that isn't what these things are about, are they?
I always refuse to participate in sponsored events of any kind - I give to those charities of my choice when I have the funds to do so - and it is no one else's business what they are or when and how much I donate. As for the implied guilt trip - like water off a duck's back.
Re: Shaving hair for cancer research
Posted by Nick on October 10, 2003 at 05:19:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: Shaving hair for cancer research posted by Marc A on October 09, 2003 at 01:33:22:
: My employer (which I will not name for obvious reasons) posted this message on their intranet this week: Quote:
And around here if you shave your head the first
thing people will think of is the woman who
shaved her child's head, pretending that
she had cancer to grab lots of money.
Last I heard she got arrested and
was going to be tried for fraud.
She raised lots of money which
people were outraged about because 1.
it was fraud. 2. these people felt
victimized. 3. she used the money to
buy a new car and lots of other stuff.