I got it right this time
Posted by Michael on October 15, 2003 at 08:10:03: Previous Next
First of all, I appologize for messing up a couple of weeks ago when I informed everyone that "The Social History of Hair" was going to air on MTV that Thursday. This week's MTV weekly schedule has the program listed to be aired this Thursday evening at 10:00 PM. The Baron from VASARI said that he's profiled on the show. The Baron has magnificent knee-length hair. Tune in and see.
Re: I got it right this time
Posted by Absalom on October 16, 2003 at 02:36:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: I got it right this time posted by Michael on October 15, 2003 at 08:10:03:
: First of all, I appologize for messing up a couple of weeks ago when I informed everyone that "The Social History of Hair" was going to air on MTV that Thursday. This week's MTV weekly schedule has the program listed to be aired this Thursday evening at 10:00 PM. The Baron from VASARI said that he's profiled on the show. The Baron has magnificent knee-length hair. Tune in and see.
I am pretty sure you mean Baron Misuraca who is a goth with incredible long black hair. I have a picture of him in my files and would post it here if I knew how to do it. Thank you for the reminder as I would have missed the show otherwise. Absalom