Evil Milkman!

Evil Milkman!
Posted by Jude on October 19, 2003 at 01:32:52: Previous Next

Hey. I was wondering, are you still using the hair straightner to iron out your curly ends? Though my hair is a little curlier, I thought I may pick up one myself for "those bad days". I thought you had a clever idea, and your hair definitely looked more "under control" during the awkward stage, and I want to try it myself. I have a few questions if you don't mind answering them...
Do you use it everyday? Has it damaged your hair at all, or do you notice any "side effects", singed hair, split ends etc because of the straightner?
And to everyone else who reads this, does anyone else use one? I guess im just scared that ill want to use it everyday once i start. haha. But can anyone recommend any particular namebrand or kind i should get. I don't wanna spend too much cash either! Any and all information would be greatly appreciated. Im moving out of town and won't be able to come here for a long while. So I may as well get all my questions answered! haha. Thanks.

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