Figured i'd share something nice!

Figured i'd share something nice!
Posted by anonymous on November 07, 2003 at 20:47:14: Previous Next

i was recently hired by JPMorgan Chase with no problem with my hair which is a little more than mid back length. not one single thing was said about my hair, it wasn't even an issue AT ALL. the other day i seen another guy, an African American guy with chin length dreads who also works for the firm. it's great to see this! i guess some firms in the business world allow the hair, while others don't. hopefully in the future every firm will allow it. oh, and another thing everyone...if you ever apply for a job and they say you have to cut your hair, just tell them it's part of your religion...i've done this with a brokerage firm a while ago who said i'd have to cut it to my collar bone, and it worked!(at least they didn't tell me to get a cheesy buzzcut, right? lol) When you tell them it's part of your religion, there is nothing they can say, unless you join the military. anyway, don't loose hope people..there are business firms in the corporate world who are perfectly fine with the hair!

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