Well... Im back.
Posted by Sid on November 09, 2003 at 18:10:34: Previous Next
Hey Everyone,
Well, it's been over two weeks and I am finally back. Looks like I got a lot of posts to catch up on! Anyway, I made a list for 14 days and at the end of the day made a note of whether or not I wanted to keep my hair growing. Well, heres what the list looks like.
Should I keep growing my hair?
1 No
2 Yes
3 Indifferent
4 No
5 No
6 Yes
7 Yes
8 No
9 No
10 Indifferent
11 Yes
12 Indifferent
13 No
14 No
So there you have it. I hate to say it but the "No's" won. So it looks like I will be cutting it soon. However, I cant seem to make myself go out and do it. So perhaps there is still hope.
And if I do cut it, oh well. Maybe it's not the right time for me to grow it anyway. I dont even want it that long in the first place, maybe some day I will grow it again. We'll see. In the meantime, thank you to everyone that has been supprotive and helpful to me while I was on the boards. I appreciate it and I hope you all keep growing and love you hair! So thanks everyone. Maybe before I cut it I will post a pic of what it looks like now, just so you guys can know what it looks like for real. We'll see. Take care everyone
Read this
Posted by Santiago on November 09, 2003 at 19:32:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: Well... Im back. posted by Sid on November 09, 2003 at 18:10:34:
Its your hair and you're under no obligation to grow it out, but that's not the way the 2 week rule works.
It has to be 14 straight no's, every yes resets the 14 day count.
Well then
Posted by Sid on November 09, 2003 at 21:05:38: Previous Next
In Reply to: Read this posted by Santiago on November 09, 2003 at 19:32:59:
Hey guys,
Well I suppose then that by that method, I should still keep the hair growing, but we'll see. Its good to know that people like you guys wont look down on me if I choose to cut it... Like you said a few weeks ago Oversurf, it's hair, and really not that big of a deal, you should do what you want to with it and enjoy it.
Im still contemplating on whether I should post a picture just to hear some feedback on that. As lame as it sounds, I dont like the idea of putting a pic of myself anonymously on the net. We'll see.
Re: Well then
Posted by Sherri on November 11, 2003 at 00:08:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: Well then posted by Sid on November 09, 2003 at 21:05:38:
You could just post a pic of the back of your hair. I go into the bathroom and take a pic by holding the cam over my head and taking a pic of the reflection. You'll be very annonymous that way!
Re: Well then
Posted by Sid on November 11, 2003 at 10:32:13: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Well then posted by Sherri on November 11, 2003 at 00:08:22:
Hahaha, what if I just took a pic of it and fixed it up on the Paint program to edit out my face with a smiley face or something?
Posted by Sherri on November 11, 2003 at 13:40:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Well then posted by Sid on November 11, 2003 at 10:32:13:
Well, yes! That would be fine too. As long as you show your hair, who cares! That is what this site is all about!
Posted by Sid on November 11, 2003 at 17:58:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: LOL posted by Sherri on November 11, 2003 at 13:40:18:
hahaha well then, I may do just that!
However I am not ashamed of my apearance or anything, I just dont feel totally comfortable with postin pics of myself on the net... We'll see though.
Re: Well... Im back.
Posted by Oversurf on November 09, 2003 at 20:04:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: Well... Im back. posted by Sid on November 09, 2003 at 18:10:34:
Hey Sid, I was starting to wonder if you were going to come back. :-)
So using your mathmatical approach to decision making, I see 4 'yes'
votes and 7 'no' votes, but what about those 'indifferent' swing
votes? Those 3 days could have resulted in a tie... and then what?
I think the two week rule is supposed to be a sanity check at the
end of two weeks - do you really want long hair?
Whatever your decision, just carry it out and don't regret it. It's
your choice to make. Of course, if you cut it, you'll have to
choose -how- you want it cut :-)
Congrats on sticking it out the full two weeks by the way, there
have been a few examples of people that 'cut and run' on the 1st day.
Re: santiago is correct
Posted by Oversurf on November 09, 2003 at 20:20:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Well... Im back. posted by Oversurf on November 09, 2003 at 20:04:05:
: I think the two week rule is supposed to be a sanity check at the
: end of two weeks - do you really want long hair?
I just read santiago's post (i did not hit 'refresh'), and yeah, he
is correct.
I also searched the archives and there's an excellent discussion on
this two week rule;
Re: Well... Im back.
Posted by ViNESWINGMAN on November 10, 2003 at 00:07:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: Well... Im back. posted by Sid on November 09, 2003 at 18:10:34:
Dude, just get a trim. Everytime I grow out my hair I say "grow it out without trims" then I end up going back to my old spiky haircut after 6 months. Instead, this time when i got sick at the 6 mo mark, I just cut it a bit, and now I'm psyched about growing it out even more.
See, my hair always looks like a mushroom at about this stage and it drives me NUTS. so what did I do? Cut a "reverse mowhawk" The length depends on the length of the rest of your hair, but assuming your hair is all the same length this cut actually makes your hair look longer. It gets the hair off of your forehead and if you cut it right it allows you to blend the shorter hairs with the others.. Spike/mess them so that they all blend in and it looks pretty damn nice. Check out brad pitt's cut in the movie "The Mexican" for an example.
Dont give up man, someday you'll be bald and regret that you grew your hair out when you still could.
: Hey Everyone,
: Well, it's been over two weeks and I am finally back. Looks like I got a lot of posts to catch up on! Anyway, I made a list for 14 days and at the end of the day made a note of whether or not I wanted to keep my hair growing. Well, heres what the list looks like.
: Should I keep growing my hair?
: Day:
: 1 No
: 2 Yes
: 3 Indifferent
: 4 No
: 5 No
: 6 Yes
: 7 Yes
: 8 No
: 9 No
: 10 Indifferent
: 11 Yes
: 12 Indifferent
: 13 No
: 14 No
: So there you have it. I hate to say it but the "No's" won. So it looks like I will be cutting it soon. However, I cant seem to make myself go out and do it. So perhaps there is still hope.
: And if I do cut it, oh well. Maybe it's not the right time for me to grow it anyway. I dont even want it that long in the first place, maybe some day I will grow it again. We'll see. In the meantime, thank you to everyone that has been supprotive and helpful to me while I was on the boards. I appreciate it and I hope you all keep growing and love you hair! So thanks everyone. Maybe before I cut it I will post a pic of what it looks like now, just so you guys can know what it looks like for real. We'll see. Take care everyone
Re: Well... Im back.
Posted by Sorted on November 10, 2003 at 12:37:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: Well... Im back. posted by Sid on November 09, 2003 at 18:10:34:
Santiago is right - technically you have to go through 14 days of seriously wanting to cut your hair...
But I'd agree with Wineswingman - if your unhappy try a trim first, get the ends taken off a get a sharper more manageable look, you needn't shed more than an inch for every year of growth you have acheived. Go to a good salon and explain to your stylist what you want. If you still don't think longhair is for you, after 4 weeks, go back and get it cut.
This is much safer method than the 2 week rule as if your hair sucks on day 1 chances are it will continue to suck throughout the 2 weeks... consequently you might miss the fact that its not longhair you don't like, its unruly hair you dont like. A trim can really make things more manageable and make you feel better about your hair.