A guy named Ron

A guy named Ron
Posted by Pat on November 16, 2003 at 10:45:30: Previous Next

I am in the process of redoing a space and opening a restaurant. There is one worker who had hair down to the middle of his back. It wasnt the best kept hair. He always had it in a ponytail, but that is probably a good idea for a construction worker. Ron went on vacation to Florida for a week and when he got back he had cut his hair significantly. He said he was tired of it. He can still get it into a very short ponytail, but he cut off a significant amount. I asked him what his next move was and he said that next summer he was cutting off the rest. His hair looks much healthier at the length it is now. If he takes care of it, maybe he will keep it. Oh well, I was sorry to see the length go, but it does look better overall for him.

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