Tomorrow's Queer Eye
Posted by Michael on November 17, 2003 at 11:13:50: Previous Next
I just saw a preview of tomorrow night's Queer Eye on the Straight Guy show on Bravo. It looks like another long-haired guy gets the chop-chop treatment. When will the madness stop?!
(Don't get all bent out of shape, I'm well aware that it's his perogative to do as he wishes with his hair).
Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye
Posted by Oversurf on November 17, 2003 at 11:38:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: Tomorrow's Queer Eye posted by Michael on November 17, 2003 at 11:13:50:
: I just saw a preview of tomorrow night's Queer Eye on the Straight Guy show on Bravo. It looks like another long-haired guy gets the chop-chop treatment. When will the madness stop?!
Chop-chop will stop when the ratings drop. :-)
Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye
Posted by Me on November 19, 2003 at 07:55:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye posted by Oversurf on November 17, 2003 at 11:38:02:
: Chop-chop will stop when the ratings drop. :-)
My impression based on the one episode I've seen is that the show gets $$$ for plugging the hair products they use and mention. That they mention the products by BRAND NAME is a dead giveaway. Now, if they didn't do SOMETHING to the guy's hair to get him all moussed up and full of styling gel then they would have no basis for plugging the styling aids and thus no $$$. I would want to see another episode to be doubly sure as this is off the top of my head.
If the show had a deal with a wig manufacturer instead then you might see guys getting long hair wigs every week.
I say this based on 30+ years in the TV biz.
Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye
Posted by BlackMetal666 on November 17, 2003 at 19:15:03: Previous Next
In Reply to: Tomorrow's Queer Eye posted by Michael on November 17, 2003 at 11:13:50:
Hmm...I just recently saw that preview aswell. Granted the decision is ultimatly made by the participant, I dont see why they always need to lop off the long hair. Obviously the participant isnt too concerned otherwise he wouldn't go through with it, but it seems like it is the first prerogetive of the people who are doing the "makeover" is to go for the "unsightly" "non-conforming" long hair, and to keep spouting off some b.s about how the hair gets donated to a good cause "charity". The whole show and ALL the people on it and involved with making the show just make me sick. Personaly, I think that if you would even subject yourself to some cheap show like that to get a makeover, you are a pretty sad case to begin with, longhair or not.
Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye
Posted by Adrian on November 17, 2003 at 21:30:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye posted by BlackMetal666 on November 17, 2003 at 19:15:03:
What gives you the right to judge people whom you do not even know just for getting their hair cut? Does it really make a difference of character if they choose to do it on television?
Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye
Posted by BlackMetal666 on November 18, 2003 at 19:39:28: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye posted by Adrian on November 17, 2003 at 21:30:17:
Well, that of course is just my personal opinion. The fact that long hair is involved does not bother me. As has been stated many times, they dont NEED to go through with the haircut, so the fact that they usualy DO cut the hair means the participant must really be indifferent on the matter. (although having never watched more that half of one episode, I would assume some of the participants are hounded, and badgered until they cave, and opt for the haircut)
The thing that I dont like (once again, my opinion) is this plethora of these rediculous shows where they try and tell people what they should wear STRICTLY for the reason that it is what is "in" as if somehow EVERYONE needs to be walking around in their fancy perfectly matching outfits, inside their profesionally decorated houses no less. It isnt the participant in the show that get to me either, for the resons stated in my last post, it is the message these shows are trying to send to the sheep of the world that you must fit in with the current look, whatever that may be.
Now, for anyone who may not have been paying attention. All that I have stated above, is MY opinion. no one need call me an idiot or what you may, because nothing will sway my opinion on this matter ;P
You made me come back
Posted by HappyPuppy on November 17, 2003 at 22:21:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye posted by BlackMetal666 on November 17, 2003 at 19:15:03:
: Personaly, I think that if you would even subject yourself to some cheap show like that to get a makeover, you are a pretty sad case to begin with, longhair or not.
2 words: Free Stuff
I've defended Queer Eye before. I'll just copy it to here, 'cause I'm lazy.
This one's actually about one of the first episodes, but some points are still valid.
"Once again, I find myself defending the guys of Queer Eye. It's gonna be the same points as the last few times this has come up.
Here goes:
- Butch's hair sucked. There's no dancing around that. It was damaged, and he was going bald. Not a pretty combination.
- Unlike many makeover shows, they don't automatically jump to the conclusion that long hair is bad. They did an amazing job on one guy by keeping his hair long, taking off some of the damage at the ends, and styling it. Rather than assuming that long hair must be cut, they assess the situation, and make a judgement based on what they feel would be best.
Okay, I know there's more I wanted to put here, but all the other Queer Eye posts are gone, and there aren't any in the archives yet, so I can't steal arguments from those. Besides, I really should be studying for a psych. test, (class, not clinical) so somebody help me out here. I know there're other guys on here that've defended the guys of Queer Eye before. Help me prove my point.
On an unrelated note, did anyone see the episode where Carson accidentally stabbed Ted in the head with a corkscrew? Now that's good television."
That's all. In case anyone's wondering, I did go through w/ my own haircut, and regret hasn't yet set in. Right. Now that's all for real this time.
Re: You made me come back
Posted by reuben on November 17, 2003 at 23:58:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: You made me come back posted by HappyPuppy on November 17, 2003 at 22:21:48:
just pointing out a small detail in the episode where they did keep the guys hair long (well... some of it) the first thing carson wanted to do was a crew cut but the guy all out refused them cutting all of his hair.
Re: You made me come back
Posted by Adrian on November 18, 2003 at 00:21:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: You made me come back posted by reuben on November 17, 2003 at 23:58:34:
Yes....The guys all made it very clear that they do not like long hair on men. It is not a popular thing in the gay culture right now.
I think it says something that they did NOT cut his hair short even thought long hair doesn't suit their taste. They stuck with what suited his individual personality. (I felt that he had about as much personality as a piece of dry toast...and his girlfriend was a bitch. But he did have nice hair!)
Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye
Posted by Brian on November 17, 2003 at 21:16:08: Previous Next
In Reply to: Tomorrow's Queer Eye posted by Michael on November 17, 2003 at 11:13:50:
Here's the link for those who care:
Yeah, he's definitely going to have it chopped. =/
- Brian
Fire the Writer
Posted by Steve-o on November 17, 2003 at 21:38:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye posted by Brian on November 17, 2003 at 21:16:08:
"Jeff is a poster-boy for the "When Great Guys Make Bad Grooming Choices" Telethon. He's got a steady job at the Post Office, a terrific family, a lovely home and interesting hobbies (taxidermist, woodcarver, blues musician). In the '70s, he was even a male model...and has the hunky headshots to prove it. Over the last 30 years, he's accumulated a long mane of hair and a shaggy beard that make him look more like a cave dweller than a suburban dad. His wife and kids feel a new look is overdue; knowing what magic the Fab Five can do, Jeff is inclined to agree. The Fab Five's mission: transform Jeff from a hippie guy into a hipper guy."
This writer's assumptions:
1. Long hair = "Bad Grooming Choice"
2. Short hair = "hunky"
3. Long hair makes you look like a caveman (?!?!)
4. Long hair makes you a hippie.
OK, I can understand that #1 is that guy's opinion. Also #2. But I take personal offense by numbers 3 and 4, and my hair is only barely to my chin! I hope I never meet anyone as close-minded as this. That paragraph just plain disgusts me. Now most comments I can handle ("get a haircut!," or "you look gay") but this guy just crossed the line. I don't even know what else to write. I'm done here.
Re: Fire the Writer
Posted by Adrian on November 17, 2003 at 22:18:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Fire the Writer posted by Steve-o on November 17, 2003 at 21:38:19:
I think the writer is refering to Jeff.....not every man with long hair. If you read....even Jeff thinks his look could use a change.
Re: Fire the Writer
Posted by Nick on November 17, 2003 at 23:49:21: Previous Next
In Reply to: Fire the Writer posted by Steve-o on November 17, 2003 at 21:38:19:
: This writer's assumptions:
: 1. Long hair = "Bad Grooming Choice"
And having short hair is an even worse choice.
: 2. Short hair = "hunky"
Hunky refers to your body below the neck. The body
stays the same whether the hair is long or short.
: 3. Long hair makes you look like a caveman (?!?!)
And many long haired men look alot better than a
: 4. Long hair makes you a hippie.
I grew up in the 60s. I was one of the original
hippies. What is wrong with being a hippie?
It took people like me many years to create
the definition of a hippie. There worse things
to be than a hippie.....
I have one point for these shows. I wear my hair
long because I want to. I wear the clothes i wear
because I want to. Don't like it? Then don't let
the door hit you on the way out.......
A question for these shows? Who died and
made you king?
Re: Fire the Writer
Posted by 4everlong on November 18, 2003 at 09:46:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Fire the Writer posted by Nick on November 17, 2003 at 23:49:21:
: : This writer's assumptions:
: : 1. Long hair = "Bad Grooming Choice"
: And having short hair is an even worse choice.
***Right!!!!! Who want's to look like Timothy McVeigh; Adolf Hitler; or the Imclone, Enron, and executives who took the money and ran!! Even worse who want's to look like a short haired gay guy (like one of the Fab Five)!!!
: : 2. Short hair = "hunky"
: Hunky refers to your body below the neck. The body
: stays the same whether the hair is long or short.
***Agree 100%.
: : 3. Long hair makes you look like a caveman (?!?!)
: And many long haired men look alot better than a
: caveman.
***Many long haired men look better than the bald Neo-Nazi Skinheads too!!!
: : 4. Long hair makes you a hippie.
: I grew up in the 60s. I was one of the original
: hippies. What is wrong with being a hippie?
: It took people like me many years to create
: the definition of a hippie. There worse things
: to be than a hippie.....
***I've had long hair since I was a teenager in the '70's. I don't care if anybody calls me a hippie or a rebel. I'm not going to listen what society tells me, especially when society doesn't make the correct choices many times.
: A question for these shows? Who died and
: made you king?
***A better come back: Where's your crown, King Nothing?
Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye
Posted by Absalom on November 17, 2003 at 23:03:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Tomorrow's Queer Eye posted by Michael on November 17, 2003 at 11:13:50:
: I just saw a preview of tomorrow night's Queer Eye on the Straight Guy show on Bravo. It looks like another long-haired guy gets the chop-chop treatment. When will the madness stop?!
: (Don't get all bent out of shape, I'm well aware that it's his perogative to do as he wishes with his hair).
Yeah I was channel surfing and saw that clip by accident and it made me cringe. When will they stop with short hair cuts? Why not just trim off 1/2 inch of split ends and frizz leaving the man with good looking long hair? Absalom
Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye
Posted by Tim B on November 20, 2003 at 01:48:09: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye posted by Absalom on November 17, 2003 at 23:03:19:
: Yeah I was channel surfing and saw that clip by accident and it made me cringe. When will they stop with short hair cuts? Why not just trim off 1/2 inch of split ends and frizz leaving the man with good looking long hair?
I think they have you where they want you. Changing the characters keeps the tv viewers "surfing" around. This "surfing" keeps the ratings consistant from show to show. Consistant ratings is a good sale to the real customers: the advertisers. Also, surfing probably keeps people watching television much longer than they would if they had only one favorate show watched once per week.
Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye
Posted by Nick on November 17, 2003 at 23:36:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Tomorrow's Queer Eye posted by Michael on November 17, 2003 at 11:13:50:
: I just saw a preview of tomorrow night's Queer Eye on the Straight Guy show on Bravo. It looks like another long-haired guy gets the chop-chop treatment. When will the madness stop?!
When will it stop? When people stop watching it.
People watching it only encourages them.
Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye
Posted by Tim B on November 20, 2003 at 01:37:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Tomorrow's Queer Eye posted by Nick on November 17, 2003 at 23:36:25:
: When will it stop? When people stop watching it.
I quit watching commercial TV years ago. There are so many other things to do on the Internet.