Long hair to short hair to long hair

Long hair to short hair to long hair
Posted by Js on November 19, 2003 at 15:27:13: Previous Next

Im glad i found this place,
In highschool, i had great long hair. Was about down to my middle back... but alas in college i sold out as everyone (whether they admit it or not) do at one point in their lives... and cut it all off. Now i've had short hair for the past 3 years, and im just sick of it. Now a senior in college... its time to reclaim the long hair of which I now regret cutting off. Specially if this is the last time i can grow my hair out.. im going out with a bang!

I just measured and im at about 2 inches :-). Got a long and hard road ahead of me.. (as this is the 3rd time in my life venturing it)... but im glad i found a place that supports my behavior.

I remember the good times in junior high when i was growing out my hair for highschool... and infact i found an old picture of me...
and realized that it was time again.

Ill be around... but i would just like to thank the community for all the support i've been reading in past threads. Thanx again


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