Re: Kukui Nut Oil for slkit or dry ends...
Posted by Glad2bhair on November 25, 2003 at 03:16:43: Previous Next
Has anyone ever heard of, or tried, Kukui nut oil as a preventative measure to getting split ends? I met a guy in downtown San Francisco 3 years ago, who had incredibly healthy, beautiful, butt-length hair, that showed no visible signs of split or dried ends. When I asked him how often he had to trim the ends, he said he no longer needed to, once he started using this oil. Of course, I just had to go out & buy the stuff, --- even though I had only just started to re-grow my hair again about a month or two before I met him. I've been using this oil almost --- but not quite --- every time after I do a thorough shampooing & conditioning. But,... unlike that guy's incredible mane, I'm seeing a lot of split ends on my hair (it's past my shoulder blades now). I'm trying to only trim the ends just once a year, --- maybe a bit unrealistic? I love the smooth, clean way my hair feels after even just a1/2 inch is taken off; but I hate sacrificing any length (I'm anxious to get it back to where it used to be, --- waist-length --- and actually LONGER!). I've also heard that messaging Rosemary oil into the ends, while the hair is still wet, does the same thing. Has anybody else had any experiece with either of these two treatments?