Hair suddenly starting to break
Posted by Snakdaddy on November 25, 2003 at 10:15:16: Previous Next
I'm 35 years old. I've had long hair since I was 17. I've been taking really good care of it for the past ten years and even lived with a stylist a few years ago who REALLY knew her stuff and got me on the right products and helped even more. But suddenly, out of the blue over the last six months I'm getting breakage and the ends look really dry. Not so much split ends, but actual breakage where if I take a section of hair and look at the ends you can see where it's about to break. Then if I just tug on it, I end up with a fingerfull of hair ends. I work out, eat well, take vitamins, all that. Any ideas on why this is all of a sudden happening to me?