Not washing your hair
Posted by Raziel on November 25, 2003 at 22:51:35: Previous Next
I hate coming out of the shower and having to blow dry my hair for 20 minutes and letting it get all tangled up and big looking, I love it when my hair has been un-washed for a day or two, it feels and looks better - I only ever wash it once every 2 or 3 days (I put a shower cap on by the way.) Ive been doing that for a week and a half now, so my question this good for my hair?
Re: Not washing your hair
Posted by drek on November 26, 2003 at 00:03:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: Not washing your hair posted by Raziel on November 25, 2003 at 22:51:35:
: I hate coming out of the shower and having to blow dry my hair for 20 minutes and letting it get all tangled up and big looking, I love it when my hair has been un-washed for a day or two, it feels and looks better - I only ever wash it once every 2 or 3 days (I put a shower cap on by the way.) Ive been doing that for a week and a half now, so my question this good for my hair?
I dont know if it's good, but it's definately not bad. I think it depends on the type of hair you have. I feel almost the same way, my hair is always best a day or more after I wash it. Some of the girls I talk to do 4-5 days even.
Re: Not washing your hair
Posted by Big L on November 26, 2003 at 03:36:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Not washing your hair posted by Raziel on November 25, 2003 at 22:51:35:
: I hate coming out of the shower and having to blow dry my hair for 20 minutes and letting it get all tangled up and big looking, I love it when my hair has been un-washed for a day or two, it feels and looks better - I only ever wash it once every 2 or 3 days (I put a shower cap on by the way.) Ive been doing that for a week and a half now, so my question this good for my hair?
I do exactly the same thing - I wash and blow dry twice a week at most. Any more than that and it makes my hair very dry and big (been growing for three years on 30 November).
An old (1930s) health book I picked up a year or so ago recommended washing hair 'once a week in town and once a fortnight in the country'. I doubt if everyone walked around with foul smelling hair then. There was a lot of emphasis on brushing in those days too - i.e. naturally conditioning the hair with its own oils and brushing the oil down the full length of the hair shaft. Perhaps all the advertising has conditioned us into thinking it needs washing more often ?
I used to work in Leicester (England) About a third of the population was Indian. In observing their religion, the young Indian women did not wash their hair at all during pregnancy - I don't remember any of them having smelly hair and their hair always looked beautiful. I had short hair then and didn;t ask what they did to look after it - I suspect is was a regime of brushing and maybe even perfuming.
Re: Not washing your hair
Posted by ColdFlu on November 26, 2003 at 07:24:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: Not washing your hair posted by Raziel on November 25, 2003 at 22:51:35:
According to a link that is on Hair Religion's site (A Salon), shoulder length hair should be shampooed twice a week and longer hair shampooed once a week. I shampoo twice a week (I have close to shoulder length hair). I condition it 4 times a week, including on the shampoo days. As someone mentioned, this of course depends on your hair needs. I might as well mention this, but usually I would say the same thing about my hair, looking its best on my non-shampoo days. Today was my shampoo day and I washed it according to the instructions on that site I mention earlier and my hair is looking the best it has ever looked today. In a nutshell, I shampooed only the hair the first round, rinsed really well, then shampooed only the scalp, rinsed really well, then applied conditioner and had two rinses (Warm water then Cold Water), both rinses were thorough. I never blow dry my hair, as my hair actually dries super fast. 30 minutes and 95% of my hair is dry. I used only my fingers to comb my hair and I got to say, its a great hair day.
Re: Not washing your hair
Posted by ahren on November 26, 2003 at 12:28:44: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Not washing your hair posted by ColdFlu on November 26, 2003 at 07:24:10:
My hair is a few inches past my sholders. I find myself shampooing generaly on sundays and thursdays. I only shampoo the scalp directly then let it wash down the hair. That generally gets it clean but not too dry. Then I use a little deep conditioner and let it sit for a few minutes before wrincing. Finally I use regular conditioner and wrince in cool to cold water. It takes my hair hours and hours to dry. After about 3 its dry enough but still damp. I usually don't try to untangle it with my fingers till the next day, and even then it's still a little to damp in the morning so I wait till later. After all the big tangles are out I use a wide tooth comb to get all the little ones out. I generally wait till the day after a shower to brush it. My hair just seems a little too dry to put up with brushing that soon. All in all after experimenting for several months with different methods, I must say I'm really happy with the way my hair is with my current system. Oh so soft and hardly any big tangles like I'd get before. I would like to say I got all my stuff (aussie moist, 3 minute miracle, wide tooth comb, natural brisle brush) and ideas from this board. Thanks a lot you guys.
Re: Not washing your hair
Posted by scorpio on November 27, 2003 at 13:05:28: Previous Next
In Reply to: Not washing your hair posted by Raziel on November 25, 2003 at 22:51:35:
: I love it when my hair has been un-washed for a day or two, it feels and looks better - I only ever wash it once every 2 or 3 days (I put a shower cap on by the way.) Ive been doing that for a week and a half now, so my question this good for my hair?
Try to only wash you hair with and scalp with conditioner (1/4-1/2 cup) each time! or try washing it with baking powder paste (baking powder+water) won't strip the oils!