Interesting Article on Hair
Posted by ColdFlu on November 26, 2003 at 09:07:14: Previous Next
I came across a site the other day where "Hair" is the talk. It was mostly focused on women and hair styles for women. The author was also a woman. Interstingly enough, she writes about how women who keep their hair long (Middle back and waist length) will have a harder time being promoted in their careers. She states that society looks upon this as someone to poor to keep their hair styled/cut and/or these women are holding onto something from their childhood. She further states that these women need to start living in current times and not the past. I know we talk about men with long hair, but to read something like this about the other gender, well I was quite shocked in how "Narrow-minded" the author was. Why is it hard to believe that "anyone" (Any gender), who wears long hair, wears it that way, because they "like" it, prefer it. And whos current times does she speak of? Is it our wonderful little society of people that follow trends of Hollywood stars, political leaders, anyone on the television set?
Something I have thought about in great lengths for the last 10 years is that TV and Magazines seems to have become our standard trend setter. It causes people to jump right on the bandwagon when people in the public spotlight change their appearance. For example, when women stars cut thier hair short, millions of others follow suit. The same goes with clothing. Everyone living today is living during current times and not everyone is a "follower". Sometimes I believe our society is so damn ficticious, it is not even funny anymore. If someone who likes bell-bottom pants were to walk down the streets in public today, most would laugh at that individual, because they are considered to be "out of times". Again I ask, who's times? We are raised to believe today of individual choice and preference (Freedom) and yet, it is only an oxymoron. I would bet the first woman (not in the public spotlight) that shaved their head was looked at by others, like she has three heads. Not until some star or public figure does something considered "ballsy", would it be considered "cool" to do and thus becomes "current times", trend. I seriously laugh at our society and how ridiculous "we" are, to not have changed at all beneath the layers of our skin. Of course we have changed our outer layers, but the inner layer is the same.
Re: Interesting Article on Hair
Posted by BlackMetal666 on November 26, 2003 at 10:03:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Interesting Article on Hair posted by ColdFlu on November 26, 2003 at 09:07:14:
Exactly, this is because most people are nothing more than mindless sheep, especially people in the united states. They, for the most part, feel they can only follow "sytles" and "trends" set by their Hollywood icons. Because after all, if they are wearing their hair in that particular style, and since they are considered to be the epitome of all that is divine, then it MUST be the thing to do.
Likewise, the "common" person sporting an "antiquated" look is simply considered to be foolish, and what have you.
Re: Interesting Article on Hair
Posted by elektros on November 26, 2003 at 23:40:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Interesting Article on Hair posted by BlackMetal666 on November 26, 2003 at 10:03:39:
: Exactly, this is because most people are nothing more than mindless sheep, especially people in the united states. They, for the most part, feel they can only follow "sytles" and "trends" set by their Hollywood icons. Because after all, if they are wearing their hair in that particular style, and since they are considered to be the epitome of all that is divine, then it MUST be the thing to do.
: Likewise, the "common" person sporting an "antiquated" look is simply considered to be foolish, and what have you.
Well, it's hard for long hair ever to be 'up to the minute' as a style, as it takes a long time to grow, hence any man or woman with long hair is seldom doing it to be trendy.
As a long-haired guy it's easy to forget that long-haired women are actually viewed by some as not on a career track. Short hair is seen as more of a serious business style, sadly modelled on stereotypical businessmen, who are the most boring looking people on the planet.
link, please? [nt]
Posted by Resonance on November 26, 2003 at 11:57:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: Interesting Article on Hair posted by ColdFlu on November 26, 2003 at 09:07:14:
Re: link, please? [nt]
Posted by ColdFlu on November 26, 2003 at 12:39:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: link, please? [nt] posted by Resonance on November 26, 2003 at 11:57:43:
I found the article. Below is the link.
Posted by Sorted on November 26, 2003 at 14:25:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: Interesting Article on Hair posted by ColdFlu on November 26, 2003 at 09:07:14:
The Question was raised by someone called Elizabeth...
I know there are Millions of Elizabeth's in the World, least of all the queen - but this wouldn't be "our" Elizabeth would it?
Sorry had to ask...
About time for a picture :-P
Posted by Elizabeth Regina on December 01, 2003 at 14:15:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: Elizabeth... posted by Sorted on November 26, 2003 at 14:25:17:
: The Question was raised by someone called Elizabeth...
: I know there are Millions of Elizabeth's in the World, least of all the queen - but this wouldn't be "our" Elizabeth would it?
: Sorry had to ask...
Thank you for quite a giggle, Sorted. I had actually hit that article earlier today posted at The Long Hair Site's message board and smiled at the question writer's name. Definitely not me asking about shorter styles. Anytime I did want a change I easily cut off the shorter side of hair myself, no need to assess opinions. :-)
I am a tenured teacher so am considered a "professional" but I don't worry about looking professional. Below is a link to some photos of me hosted on my friend Neil's site in the photo section. The first picture is my two braids look I usually wear at school, particulary favored for both the practicality and the way it shows off the short side being different from the long side. One glance and you can see I don't look like the kind of person that would ask for appearance advice. :-D
Ooh, I should add the third picture page at Neil's shows some other friends of mine who I adore for more than their hair and also there's a lovely long haired family shot. When both dad and mom have long hair it is just so wonderfully unremarkable to their kids.
Re: Interesting Article on Hair
Posted by wolfgang on November 26, 2003 at 15:47:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Interesting Article on Hair posted by ColdFlu on November 26, 2003 at 09:07:14:
I think that long hair on women will not die in the next future, there are many women who like it for being and don't care about fashion trends or what other do with their hair.
This is not only an assumption, I can see it every day around me.
With male long hair the situation is quite different. Almost all men I see have short hair, or very short hair, independent from age, and this is a little bit sad, far away from diversity and from the different possibilities that long hair gives.
I fear if only women carry long hair it could lead in future to a common agreement that both gender will have short hair.
And all of this hair cut pressure against women is already a try to make this real. It is my conviction that only both gender together can stop this hair killing society manifestations.
i'm female & pressured to cut hair
Posted by Jolie on December 01, 2003 at 15:24:23: Previous Next
In Reply to: Interesting Article on Hair posted by ColdFlu on November 26, 2003 at 09:07:14:
My hairstylist is always asking me why i want long hair, she says all it does is just sit there and hang on my head. she always says, why dont you get a cute little short hairdoo?
about 3 yrs ago i got a short cut and everyone just raved over it, i got so many compliments on my hair and everyone talked about how much they loved it!
then i went to thailand where the girls there all have long hair, and they asked y i cut it off so short, they said they like it long better. so i was in thailand a couple of years, and it was so easy to grow my hair out long because not one person pressured me into cutting it and also there were no "cute little short hairdo's" on any of the girls to tempt me to cut mine like theirs.
then i came home and all my friends had these short cuts, so i caved and got my hair cut off to my shoulders, it had gotten quite long those 2 yrs in thailand. well, with my hair long in my country, noone cares much for it, but in that foreign land, they loved it.
so i guess each culture tries to pressure each other into everyone looking like each other. maybe it is just human nature.
just thought i would let you know that women do go through this too.
btw - i am letting my hair grow out to the middle of my back now! :)
Re: Interesting Article on Hair
Posted by Joe Dirt on December 12, 2003 at 07:45:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: Interesting Article on Hair posted by ColdFlu on November 26, 2003 at 09:07:14:
: I came across a site the other day where "Hair" is the talk. It was mostly focused on women and hair styles for women. The author was also a woman. Interstingly enough, she writes about how women who keep their hair long (Middle back and waist length) will have a harder time being promoted in their careers. She states that society looks upon this as someone to poor to keep their hair styled/cut and/or these women are holding onto something from their childhood. She further states that these women need to start living in current times and not the past. I know we talk about men with long hair, but to read something like this about the other gender, well I was quite shocked in how "Narrow-minded" the author was. Why is it hard to believe that "anyone" (Any gender), who wears long hair, wears it that way, because they "like" it, prefer it. And whos current times does she speak of? Is it our wonderful little society of people that follow trends of Hollywood stars, political leaders, anyone on the television set?
: Something I have thought about in great lengths for the last 10 years is that TV and Magazines seems to have become our standard trend setter. It causes people to jump right on the bandwagon when people in the public spotlight change their appearance. For example, when women stars cut thier hair short, millions of others follow suit. The same goes with clothing. Everyone living today is living during current times and not everyone is a "follower". Sometimes I believe our society is so damn ficticious, it is not even funny anymore. If someone who likes bell-bottom pants were to walk down the streets in public today, most would laugh at that individual, because they are considered to be "out of times". Again I ask, who's times? We are raised to believe today of individual choice and preference (Freedom) and yet, it is only an oxymoron. I would bet the first woman (not in the public spotlight) that shaved their head was looked at by others, like she has three heads. Not until some star or public figure does something considered "ballsy", would it be considered "cool" to do and thus becomes "current times", trend. I seriously laugh at our society and how ridiculous "we" are, to not have changed at all beneath the layers of our skin. Of course we have changed our outer layers, but the inner layer is the same.
Seeing that im in the entertainment feild myself. ( im not Joe dirt fromt he movie lol), But I plan on starting my own trend of having long hair as aguy, and will force society and hollwood to take notice. Ive basically had long hari my whole life. as a little boyi looked like Luke skywalker, and was always asked if I was a girl. Im used to it. plus after experimenting with short hair at he request of several girlfriends, I decided, that the people that want me and guys and girls to have short conservative hair arent the type of people I want to be around. I feel sorry for these people, because as you stated, they are followers. Who wants to be a sheep when you can be a hearder