Strange Week

Strange Week
Posted by Sorted on December 03, 2003 at 12:13:46: Previous Next

Two weird things have happened to me this week as a result of growing my hair (currently at 7 1/2 inches).

1) Today I actually was mistaken for a Girl from behind... I was a bit put out, particularly as the Girl I was mistaken for is 20 years older than me and 6 inches shorter (though I was sat down.) I think the guy who made the mistake was a lot more embarassed than I was. In fact I wasnt embarrassed at all, more... irritated!

2) On Saturday I was at a friend's wedding reception and one of the guests at my table started grilling me with loads of questions....

Q. Are you are surfer?
A. No

Q. Are you a bodyboarder?
A. No

Q. Are you a windsurfer?
A. No, what are you getting at?

Q. Are you gay?
A. No, but what's it to you anyway mate?

- Oh you must be Californian!!!
No, I'm British, from West Yorkshire. (You can't get much further away from Califorina!)

Then it dawned on me, he was on about my hair... I'm left thinking what a twat! He then proceded to refer to me as his "Californian Friend for about 15 mins, before polishing off a glass of wine and falling over drunk and landing on a toddler... he left in disgrace moments later.

Strange week!

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