Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54: Previous Next
What do you think of males with long hair and pierced ears? Does it look effeminate? What kind of ear jewelry works best with male long hair? If you had your ears pierced, where did you get them done, did it hurt, how long did it take to heal, what did your family say? Have you ever been hassled because of pierced ears?
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by oDD_LotS on December 04, 2003 at 18:32:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
I think that earrings go great with longhair. Facial hair also works well with the pierced ears. Does it look effeminate? That depends. On some guys, yes, but on others it looks quite masculine and can even contribute to that effect. It depends greatly on how that person looks pre-earrings.
The jewelry is better cordinated with your clothing than the hair, I think. For example, most days I tend towards a slightly-refined version of the all in black, chain wallet, skate punk look and my ears are stretched to 0ga, so I wear "subtle" stainless steel eyelets (as subtle as hollow flesh tunnels can be). If your style is more American Eagle, then some studs or simple hoops may be better. With a suit, you could go with more formal hoops, preferably matching your ring/watch/etc.
Against my better judgement, I got mine pierced at Walmart. I now now (and knew then, for that matter) that I should've gone to a piercing place, even though I didn't have any problems with the healing. It didn't hurt at all (and I'm very sensitive to pain) and took about six weeks to heal. My family's very irrational about piercings/tattoos, so they were very displeased, but now the only thing that gets mentioned is the size of the holes, and that's not a frequent topic. I should mention that when I had them done, I was 16, part of the reason my family was upset.
As for other people, very few harass me. But that could be because I'm a pretty big guy, and can be a little intimidating. Some girls find it really attractive, those that don't usually keep their mouths shut. A few people have been freaked out by mine simply because of the stretching, but most are intrigued.
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by Treyn on December 04, 2003 at 19:15:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
Hey Gollan,
I know my hair at this point doesn't do the word "long" much justice, but I have three piercings in my left ear. I can't remember for sure, but it seems to me that the last two piercings I got took roughly two weeks to heal pretty good, give or take. You definetly want to use the alcohol stuff they give you to clean around the stud with or your ear will get really sore. Use it twice a day. I had the last two done at the Wal-Mart jewelry department here in Taylorville, Illinois just earlier this year. The first one I had done was about 13 to 14 years ago in a mall in Springfield, Illinois. Below is pic of my earrings, but it's not that clear. Sorry! Peace!
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by mjtoo on December 06, 2003 at 19:10:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Treyn on December 04, 2003 at 19:15:11:
ok treyn,
absolutley amazing need to ever post your pics wet, your hair, as seen in this pic, is just...i'm just beside myself man! it looks great!
congrats again,
: Hey Gollan,
: I know my hair at this point doesn't do the word "long" much justice, but I have three piercings in my left ear. I can't remember for sure, but it seems to me that the last two piercings I got took roughly two weeks to heal pretty good, give or take. You definetly want to use the alcohol stuff they give you to clean around the stud with or your ear will get really sore. Use it twice a day. I had the last two done at the Wal-Mart jewelry department here in Taylorville, Illinois just earlier this year. The first one I had done was about 13 to 14 years ago in a mall in Springfield, Illinois. Below is pic of my earrings, but it's not that clear. Sorry! Peace!
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by Todd on December 04, 2003 at 19:28:41: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
: What do you think of males with long hair and pierced ears?
I like earrings on guys; I've worn small gold hoops for a couple years now, although my hair hides them usually LOL! I got them done at the mall, and didn't have any problems other than soreness that seemed to last for months. No problems with the family (its just me and mom, she's a single parent).
I'd say if you're interested just go for it! Even if you have short hair they look cool in my opinion.
Posted by FITMUS on December 04, 2003 at 19:29:37: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
...had my ear(s) pierced since I was 16 (I'm 31 now). I personally love having a pierced ear. At one point, I had 2 earrings in my left ear and 1 in my right. Now I only have the one in my left ear. Not once since I've gotten it pierced have I ever thought about removing it. I really enjoyed when I first got my ear pierced because I was only 1 of maybe 5 guys in my ENTIRE high school that had a pierced ear, so I liked being different. I was also the only one, at least that I noticed, that wore a metal bracelet as well. Additionally, I had long feathered hair then. And yes, this was all in the 80's!! At that point, I was influenced by the 80's hair bands, especially since I'm a musician too.
Now, answers to your questions: piercing is usually done with a piercing gun, which sounds MUCH worse than what happens. It literally takes a second to do it and it's only a very minor pinch if your getting your ear lobe pierced in the "normal" area (the higher up you go, the more sensitive your ear is). The hole closes in proportion to when you take the earring out...if yout take it out in the first 6-8 weeks, the hold will close almost immediately; the longer you have it in, the longer it will take to close (months after you've had it for years). You'll need to put a anti-infection solution on it during the first 6-8 weeks, which you will get from the place that pierces it.
As far as what to wear, that's a personally choice. Personally, when your hair is longer (past the chin), longer earrings seem to fit the image better, at least nowadays I think. I don't personally wear dangling earrings anymore (ever since the 80's), but I do wear a diamond stud, gold studs and gold hoops. For me, I only wear gold...just always liked it. I have a gold necklace and gold bracelet as well.
As far as looking feminine, I'm sure some think it's feminine, but no more than they think long hair is feminine! Since women typically wear earrings and have long hair, there are going to be people that think it's feminine because it's more atypical for a man to have those attributes. Moreover, I think society in general is more accepting of "women doing guy things" rather than "guys doing girl things" (like wearing the other sex's clothes, for example). So where there is a "guy doing girl things", it's bound to get more attention, in my opinion.
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by Nyghtfall on December 04, 2003 at 19:33:44: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
No offense to anyone here, but I feel truly amazed by some of the questions that get asked on this forum. Perhaps it's because the question has never crossed my own mind. Anyhoo...
: What do you think of males with long hair and pierced ears?
What's not to like about it? My left ear is pierced.
: Does it look effeminate?
You're kidding, right? Male long hair and pierced ears go together like bread and butter!
: What kind of ear jewelry works best with male long hair?
Speaking only for myself, I generally prefer Unisex earrings. They're specifically designed to look good on both men and women. They can usually be found in any Spencer Gifts location, and don't cost more than a few dollars per pair.
: If you had your ears pierced, where did you get them done...
I had my ear pierced at a Spencers Gifts location. It was a present to myself, for my 18th birthday. I don't remember how much it cost, but it wasn't much. Maybe $5 or $10.
: did it hurt...
You do feel a bit of a pinch, but it only lasts for a second or two - long enough for piercing gun to punch the stud all the way through the cartilage. The gal who pierced mine was mercifully quick about it.
: how long did it take to heal...
Oh, boy.... hmmm.... a couple of weeks? Maybe? Gads, it's been 14 years. I really don't remember... You definitely have to keep it clean while it's healing. Soap and rubbing alchohol do that pretty well. I do have one piece of advice: DON'T REMOVE THE STUD UNTIL YOUR EAR HAS HEALED! Otherwise, the hole WILL close in on itself. I made that mistake the night I had mine pierced, and I wound up spending nearly a an hour having to endure the pain of shoving the stud back through my ear. NOT a pleasant experience!
: what did your family say?
Mom freaked, dad laughed. Take a look at any actor from the 1950's, and you have what my mom was raised to believe a man should look like. Dad, on the other hand, felt that, as long as I wasn't involved in anything illegal, I was welcome to look however I wanted, as long as I was willing to accept the consequences of my appearance. That struggle between he and mom, however, was often very heated. Mom was a very naive woman, very innocent in nature, and had a very sheltered view of the world. She freaked out anytime I did something or looked completely contrary to what she was comfortable with. Think June Cleaver, and you've got my mother. Dad was Ward - very understanding of my wanting to experiment, but having to try and deal with Mom's emotional reactions at the same time.
Unfortunately, he wasn't nearly as understanding when I arrived home one afternoon with a ring in my nose. I apparently discovered his limitations with me, as he pretty much ordered me to take it out (I was going to buy a small chain, later, to connect my nose ring to my earring, ala the guitarist from Skid Row). Later I learned that you can actually die from a bad nose piercing, that there are blood vessels in the nose that have a direct line to the brain. If an infection got in... :: que death march ::
Suffice it to say, I've never had another piercing since.
: Have you ever been hassled because of pierced ears?
Only by my mother. Hard to believe she's beed dead 3 years now.
Posted by FITMUS on December 04, 2003 at 19:39:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Nyghtfall on December 04, 2003 at 19:33:44:
...about your mother, Nyghtfall.
On a funny note, my mother said she couldn't breathe when she first saw my earring!! My dad, on the other hand, like your dad, said I'll have to "suffer the consequences of people's reactions"!
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by scaredresser on December 04, 2003 at 22:05:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
: What do you think of males with long hair and pierced ears? Does it look effeminate? What kind of ear jewelry works best with male long hair? If you had your ears pierced, where did you get them done, did it hurt, how long did it take to heal, what did your family say? Have you ever been hassled because of pierced ears?
My hair is about 3inches below shoulder and I have a full beard. I wear earrings all the time (2 left, 1 right)...sometimes hoops, sometimes diamonds and nobody has ever hassled me over them. They are so common nowadays that it is no big deal anymore. Is David Beckham or Bono effeminate?
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by Justin on December 04, 2003 at 22:08:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
: What do you think of males with long hair and pierced ears? Does it look effeminate?
I don't even give it a's everywhere. "Effeminate?" No way.
What kind of ear jewelry works best with male long hair?
Anything that makes you happy.
If you had your ears pierced, where did you get them done, did it hurt, how long did it take to heal, what did your family say?
One was done at Walmart with a gun. MISTAKE! A "Piercing Studio" of good reputation is best. Hurt(s) don't bother me..........just a bit unconfortable at first. My family deceased at an early age.
Have you ever been hassled because of pierced ears?
NO. Never at any time. Compliments? Yes!
ps: presently I have no "Ear Piercings" (multiples) and the holes have closed-up nicely. This considering for 2 years one with an O Gage Tunnel. Fun!
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by SteveP on December 05, 2003 at 00:12:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
: What do you think of males with long hair and pierced ears? Does it look effeminate? What kind of ear jewelry works best with male long hair? If you had your ears pierced, where did you get them done, did it hurt, how long did it take to heal, what did your family say? Have you ever been hassled because of pierced ears?
I got my first ear piercing shortly after I started growing my hair out almost 4 years ago, and had the other ear done shortly after that. I had them done at the piercing pagoda at a mall, they didn't hurt at all and it took about 5 weeks before I could take out the studs and put in the hoops I wanted. I always wear hoops now, usually 1/2" to 1" ones. I think they look great with long hair and I love the hoops because I can feel them moving also
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by Absalom on December 05, 2003 at 00:33:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
: What do you think of males with long hair and pierced ears? Does it look effeminate? What kind of ear jewelry works best with male long hair? If you had your ears pierced, where did you get them done, did it hurt, how long did it take to heal, what did your family say? Have you ever been hassled because of pierced ears?
I have 7 hoops that I made from 14 karat gold wire. Each of them is a different size. You can see them if you go down a ways on the hyperboard to "photos of us", but do it quick before it is removed from the bottom of the board. I am the guy with the 38 inch pony tail and tie dye shirt. Absalom
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by T a r i k h on December 05, 2003 at 05:39:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
Yes I did have my left ear pierced in 1999. It didnt hurt, but I had to leave the earing for 1 month and not remove it at all. Then I got another one. I really liked them.
But I had to stop wearing them because of parents. Till now, I haven`t started.
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by Mark Ellott on December 05, 2003 at 08:22:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
I've got a single piercing in the left ear and mostly wear a gold hoop. I sometimes wear a silver ankh stud and I have some gothic (Alchemy) studs and droppers that I'll put in when I'm feeling particulary outrageous.
My sisters like the look - my parents keep quiet about it.
Do I look feminine? Hmm, given my small build and slim face, probably (certainly I've been addressed as "madam" a few times lately) - but then the five o'clock shadow gives the game away... ;-)
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by Jim from NM on December 05, 2003 at 11:00:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
I have had both ears pierced for about 7-8 years now. I had the left one pierced with a gun at a jewelry shop in Switzerland while on Holiday -- had to wear an ugly stud for a couple of months, but it eventually healed nicely. A few months later, I got the right one pierced, this one at a piercing studio.
I definitely recommend going to a piercing studio -- they use a proper needle which makes a circular hole -- it healed in under two weeks and was much less painful. I was able to wear "body piercing" rings right away -- no ugly studs. Furthermore, I have since stretched out the holes somewhat (up to 0 gauge at one point), and the needle pierced hole stretches much more easily.
Nowadays, I usually wear 6 gauge captive bead rings all the time. I like them because they are thick and appear more masculine, yet they don't freak people out like the larger gauge tunnels do.
Being 6'3" and 220 pounds with a goatee, I have never been considered "effeminate", even with my long hair.
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by Evil Milkman on December 07, 2003 at 11:09:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
I've had my left ear pierced for about a year now, and I have only recieved positive comments. I enjoy it, I think it adds something to long hair (or short hair even). I've had a ring in for several weeks now, everyone that has commented on it has liked the piercing and ring. Personally, it's no more effiminate than any else might perceived as being girly.
Aaaaarrrrrrrrr! Shiver me timbers! n/t
Posted by Hair Religion on December 08, 2003 at 15:40:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
Re: Males with long hair and pierced ears...
Posted by Big Bob on December 15, 2003 at 21:35:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: Males with long hair and pierced ears... posted by Gollan on December 04, 2003 at 18:18:54:
The best earings for a man is whatever kind looks good on him. Don't worry so much and just see what works for you.
Try to find a piercing stud you like though, you'll be stuck with it for a few weeks. I got a nice diamond one (well, not a real diamond) and I started getting compliments as soon as I walked out of the store. :)