some questions... pony tail... hair loss
Posted by Sebastian on December 05, 2003 at 09:52:34: Previous Next
Hey peoples,
I am 20 years old, been growing my hair out for about a year. Gotten it trimmed once, maybe twice. I am just concerned about the strands of hair I see in my hands when I shampoo.
Is this normal? any products that will stop this? Or lessen it?
What is the best way to pull hair back into a ponytail? (so that it all pulls back without "ppofing out... I have pretty curly hair...) I am not very profficient at this. Maybe I am doing something wrong. Is there a secret technique?
peace out
Re: some questions... pony tail... hair loss
Posted by Resonance on December 05, 2003 at 11:23:21: Previous Next
In Reply to: some questions... pony tail... hair loss posted by Sebastian on December 05, 2003 at 09:52:34:
I am 20 years old, been growing my hair out for about a year. Gotten it trimmed once, maybe twice. I am just concerned about the strands of hair I see in my hands when I shampoo.We notice natural shedding more and more as the length of our hair increases. You'll always notice strands of hair in your hands when you shampoo, and you'll appear to lose more as it gets longer.
Just be as gentle as you can whenever you handle your hair, can't do anything more than that.
Re: some questions... pony tail... hair loss
Posted by ThatBallGuy on December 05, 2003 at 12:55:28: Previous NextIn Reply to: some questions... pony tail... hair loss posted by Sebastian on December 05, 2003 at 09:52:34:
: Is this normal? any products that will stop this? Or lessen it?
This is normal, you've always been losing that many hairs, it's just when they were 1/2 inch long, you couldn't really notice them. Now as they get longer, they're more noticable.
: What is the best way to pull hair back into a ponytail?
There is no real "best way" to do this, I have naturally curly hair (like REALLY curly) and after 14 months, I still can't fit it into a ponytail without straightening it. Curly headed folks have to wait longer to have a nice looking ponytail, because with straight hair, the hair that won't fit in the tail can be tucked behind the ears nicely. not so with curly hair.Basically just tough it out and experiment along the way
Posted by Brian on December 05, 2003 at 14:15:49: Previous NextIn Reply to: some questions... pony tail... hair loss posted by Sebastian on December 05, 2003 at 09:52:34:
What is the best way to pull hair back into a ponytail? (so that it all pulls back without "ppofing out... I have pretty curly hair...) I am not very profficient at this. Maybe I am doing something wrong. Is there a secret technique?
I don't have curly hair, but I have curled it before to see what it was like. When I tried to tie it back, it didn't make the tail-shaped tail, it sort of made a pom-pom. (^_^)
Anyways, there's definitely no rhyme or reason to tieing my own hair back. Although as seen in the pic above is usually how I wear it. Sometimes I move it higher for bedtime or when I need to wear a hat for Theatre and sometimes I move it lower to tuck it in my shirt.
Just experiment and see what works for you. Cheers.
- Brian
Re: some questions... pony tail... hair loss
Posted by Reflective on December 06, 2003 at 22:31:34: Previous NextIn Reply to: some questions... pony tail... hair loss posted by Sebastian on December 05, 2003 at 09:52:34:
To get curly hair into a neat tail, try this. Wash and condition your hair. While it is wet, brush it out, starting at the ends and working your way up. Work in a GENEROUS amount of non alcoholic gel. Brush the gel all through your hair. Brush your hair all straight back and let it dry most of the way. It works well if you do this at night and then go to sleep at this point. When you wake up or when your hair is no longer wet, but just damp. Pull it all back into a tail. Secure with a scrunchie or some other hair tie without any metal parts in it. It should now all be in the tail with no poofies. If there are any poofies at all, then just put a LITTLE water on your hands and push the poofies back and against your head. Then while your hands are wet, put just a couple of drops of gel on them and rub to spread it out. Then just glide over the poofie areas with that final gel swipe.
P.S. NEVER brush curly hair when it is dry. That will just make it frizzy and impossible to manage.
Hope this helps.