
Posted by Steve-o on December 09, 2003 at 19:07:57: Previous Next

Well I haven't posted in a while, but I've been lurking. I've been meaning to take some pictures to mark my one year anniversary of growing (last week) but I've lately been busy. For now I'll just try to describe my latest "hair."
Wet/Pulled tight: chin + jawline
Dry: even with lips
Kind of wavy, more so in the back, shiny, healthy.

Lately I feel that, although I haven't yet "arrived" at long hair status, I believe I have left the dreaded awkward stage behind. My hair seems to flow more freely now than before when it moved all together. It's so much easier to manage now - not flipping up all the time, no frizz, etc. And I've had several people more or less refer to me as "that longhaired kid." So I'm glad for that, it relieves a lot of the tension.

One last thing before I end my ramble. I've been thinking about getting just the very back trimmed up about an inch or so. There's nothing wrong with it or anything, I just feel that I would like the look better with slightly shorter hair in the back. I'll post some pics and try to get your guys' opinions on it.

Oh well, I'm off to bed. Long day.

- Steve-o

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