Terrible tragedy for my hair

Terrible tragedy for my hair
Posted by I miss my hair on December 13, 2003 at 21:22:40: Previous Next

Yesterday was terrible, my mom totally deceived me about getting a trim. It turned into one of the worst haircuts I've ever gotten. It really sucks when you are 20 and your parents still bitch to you about having your hair too long and not being neat. I don't know what it is with Asian parents but I have talked with some of my other Asian friends and almost all of them have short hair because their parents make them get haircuts; it's like they basically have no say in it. Well what basically happened was that my mom had been pressuring me for weeks to get my hair trimmed which I didn't think was long at all. It was only around 10 inches long all around at most. The longest parts were my bangs which were around my chin area. When my mom and I got to the barber shop, my mom wouldn't leave but stayed. I told the barber to just trim my hair one inch but then my mom told the barber to cut my hair short in chinese. I tried to protest but the barber didn't listen and only listened to my mom. It was already too late when the barber had already snipped off like 7 inches of my hair in the front. After the haircut I felt awful and wanted to throw up, the worst part was when I complained to my mom that she had deceived me about just getting a trim and not a full haircut she retorted with it was your decision and then she completely denied telling the barber that she wanted my hair cut short. Right now I just see my mom as being a huge bitch and I've totally lost my trust in her, even though I maybe could have expected something bad to happen since I should have just avoided getting any length cut from my hair, I still don't think I should have been deceived and lied to. Right now, I'm just feeling really depressed since I was working on growing my hair longer and had been in the process for 7 months since my last cut, now I have to start all over and that just pisses the hell outa me.

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