
Posted by owenocs on December 22, 2003 at 05:29:28: Previous Next

Well I had the singeing done.

What an exciting experience.

First she trimmed my hair and then asked if I still wanted it singed, I was keen on backing down but wanted to save face and said of course, yes. She came back with a long waxed taper and lit it, I was so nervous at this stage, then she started at the top of my head, with a metal comb went to the ends and singed the ends, this she gradually did throughout the whole head, singeing all the ends. The smell at times was a bit strong, but so exciting to see her singe the hair wondering if you will survive it. It seemed to takes ages to do, then when she had finished the singe she got 2 large bristle brushes and brushed the hair quite hard all the way through for about 5 mins to take out the burnt ends, she then washed my hair again, there was a bit of a smell of burnt hair when she washed it, but that was the last time it smelt, then I had my normal set. I thought I would smell burnt hair while under the dryer but I didn`t.

She said it is thought singeing was sometimes good fot the ends of the hair especially split ends, mine certainly had the best sheen on it I had seen in years.

It was such an exciting experience have it singed, even more so as at least 5 others came round to watch as they had never seen a singeing done, she said she hadn`t done a singeing in over 3 years, great to be the centre of attraction.

I will definately have a singeing done again, probably once a year event.

I would reccommend it to anyone to at least try as something different.

I would love to hear from anyone who as had a singeing done and how they felt and would they have another, but it is difficult finding people to do it nowadays.

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