Awkward stage people on the baord
Posted by Joe on December 23, 2003 at 12:33:47: Previous Next
Alot of progress pictures I see on here alot of people of almost long hair liek to thier shoulders and beyond and maybe a little shorter. I was just wondering if there was anyone whos currently in the awkward stage and has hair like 4 inches or less or maybe just a slight bit longer?
Re: Awkward stage people on the baord
Posted by socalaznsurfer on December 23, 2003 at 13:44:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: Awkward stage people on the baord posted by Joe on December 23, 2003 at 12:33:47:
im currently in a awkward stage, and when i said awkward i meant it... the front is about 3.5 inches long when i straighten it, and the back is about 3 inches. My hair is fine, soft and curly. it's not short enough to make them spiky, nor long enough to have a certain style. i can't go anywhere without a trucker cap on. guess this stage is gonna last for another 4 to 5 months..
Re: Awkward stage people on the baord
Posted by Jagz on December 23, 2003 at 14:20:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Awkward stage people on the baord posted by socalaznsurfer on December 23, 2003 at 13:44:40:
Yer i am in that stage also sucks doesnt it :(
Re: Awkward stage people on the baord
Posted by Joe on December 23, 2003 at 15:08:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Awkward stage people on the baord posted by Jagz on December 23, 2003 at 14:20:48:
: Yer i am in that stage also sucks doesnt it :(
Yeah it does i only got an inch and a half! i havnt gone threw anything yet. My hair buzzed october 5th all even around the sides beakc and top. Im just doing straight growing and ill even it all out later. I just wanted to know if there were some people in the stage. See ya
Re: Awkward stage people on the baord
Posted by leaf_fan on December 23, 2003 at 17:00:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Awkward stage people on the baord posted by Joe on December 23, 2003 at 12:33:47:
My last haircut was September 4th, but that was a buzz down to about 2-3 millimetres all around. My hair is thick and the back and ears have recently become what I would call a bit awkward or shaggy. The front still combs pretty well. Hoping to have the willpower to grow it down to my shoulder blades.
: Alot of progress pictures I see on here alot of people of almost long hair liek to thier shoulders and beyond and maybe a little shorter. I was just wondering if there was anyone whos currently in the awkward stage and has hair like 4 inches or less or maybe just a slight bit longer?
Re: Awkward stage people on the baord
Posted by Joe on December 23, 2003 at 19:06:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Awkward stage people on the baord posted by leaf_fan on December 23, 2003 at 17:00:19:
Yeah I got the same goal around shoulder blades.Its nice to see someone growing thier hair out and its around the same length as mine with the same goal. Sorry if you diddent comprhend that right i diddnt know how to word it. I dont really feel like im behind or alone with my growth anymore. thanks
: My last haircut was September 4th, but that was a buzz down to about 2-3 millimetres all around. My hair is thick and the back and ears have recently become what I would call a bit awkward or shaggy. The front still combs pretty well. Hoping to have the willpower to grow it down to my shoulder blades.
: : Alot of progress pictures I see on here alot of people of almost long hair liek to thier shoulders and beyond and maybe a little shorter. I was just wondering if there was anyone whos currently in the awkward stage and has hair like 4 inches or less or maybe just a slight bit longer?
Re: Awkward stage people on the baord
Posted by Rich on December 23, 2003 at 23:10:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Awkward stage people on the baord posted by Joe on December 23, 2003 at 12:33:47:
Hey...I'm growing my hair longer. And what do you mean ackward stage? I hate that name. As well as transitional...if your growing your hair longer to change style, why not try different styles in the process.'s good to have a goal, but knowing what works and what doesn't work will help you achieve your length...instead of getting fustrated and cutting it off.
It seems to be the "in" thing around my school. A lot of people have been trying to, but get really discouraged when they have their first bad hair day, or even a string of them in a week, and then get it chopped off.
Of course your going to have a bad hair day, but try to have fun with it. I do. :) If your having a bad day all together, completely screw up your hair and just walk around. People just stay out of your way...(people think I'm nuts) :D
My bangs are approx 4 inches, while my hair at the back is longer. It was longer in late October, but I made the decision to go for a trim to remove all the damaged ends. My mom, while I having it cut, told the dresser to take more off and ended up taking a whole inch off! It has taken now two months to grow back to it's original length. I refuse to go back again.
Avoid hats...I think they cause baldness. Cuts off the lack of oxygen to the roots. That's what I think, and my observation hasn't been unproven yet (around my school).
I'm working on a website. I should post it soon on the board.
Thanks for listening to my rant. Excuse any spelling and grammar mistakes as usual.
listen to this guy
Posted by ahren on December 24, 2003 at 14:16:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Awkward stage people on the baord posted by Rich on December 23, 2003 at 23:10:25:
: Hey...I'm growing my hair longer. And what do you mean ackward stage? I hate that name. As well as transitional...if your growing your hair longer to change style, why not try different styles in the process.'s good to have a goal, but knowing what works and what doesn't work will help you achieve your length...instead of getting fustrated and cutting it off.
It's all in how you look at it. Have fun with your hair.
: My bangs are approx 4 inches, while my hair at the back is longer. It was longer in late October, but I made the decision to go for a trim to remove all the damaged ends. My mom, while I having it cut, told the dresser to take more off and ended up taking a whole inch off! It has taken now two months to grow back to it's original length. I refuse to go back again.
Avoid trims.
: Avoid hats...I think they cause baldness. Cuts off the lack of oxygen to the roots. That's what I think, and my observation hasn't been unproven yet (around my school).
Except for that thing you said about hats, that's BS.
The 'awkward phase' is only as awkward as you tell yourself it is. Long hair is always going to be more 'awkward' than short hair no matter what stage you are at in the growth. For example I can't sit in a chair with a high back without moving my hair so that it doesn't get stuck behind my back and keep my head from moving. Whenever I wear a sleveless shirt or no shirt my hair has a tendancy to get stuck in my armpits. I can't just lie down, I have to reposition my hair so it doesn't get stuck under me and get tugged on when I move my head. If I saw all these things as awkward and annoying I would have gotten my hair cut a long time ago. I simply see it as being part of having long hair. So don't fret over the little stuff just because it's new, different, and you think it's annoying. You'll get used to it.
Re: listen to this guy
Posted by Rich on December 24, 2003 at 14:31:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: listen to this guy posted by ahren on December 24, 2003 at 14:16:18:
: : Avoid hats...I think they cause baldness. Cuts off the lack of oxygen to the roots. That's what I think, and my observation hasn't been unproven yet (around my school).
: Except for that thing you said about hats, that's BS.
It was an observation. Of course, many people say it's a myth, and some people think it's a real cause.
{Hats can cause other problems that you didn't think of yet. Some friends had some cheap orange hats before, and they wore them a lot in the summer time, and it was hot and so on, and the orange dye came off from the hat and into their hair. They couldn't get it out for weeks. Watch out for that.)
I had to research to back up my own ignorance...and apparently was archived in the hyperboard. From:
Re: Awkward stage people on the baord
Posted by ViNESWiNGMAN on December 24, 2003 at 02:19:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: Awkward stage people on the baord posted by Joe on December 23, 2003 at 12:33:47:
all I can say is that right now is the best time to grow out your hair, right now 'awkward stage' hair is in. You're not gonna look like an outcast by growing your hair out, a lot of people are doing it. Try growing it out back in 1999, you'd get a lot of weird looks and questions. I find people are much more supportive of how it looks now than they were then which is probably why i've gotten further than any other attempt this time. Maybe in 2-3 years the longhair look will be back in style, with all of these people growing out there hair and all. It seems to come in and out of fashion every 10 years or so, I think it's about time.
: Alot of progress pictures I see on here alot of people of almost long hair liek to thier shoulders and beyond and maybe a little shorter. I was just wondering if there was anyone whos currently in the awkward stage and has hair like 4 inches or less or maybe just a slight bit longer?
Re: Awkward stage people on the baord
Posted by Sorted on December 24, 2003 at 11:42:52: Previous Next
In Reply to: Awkward stage people on the baord posted by Joe on December 23, 2003 at 12:33:47:
I think I'm over the worst and I'm well past the 4 inch stage, whilst I've been rather lucky... (not having a major "awkward stage") I suffered a bit last summer, but I got through this by just having regular trims.
My Last trim was in October and my hair is now about 7.5 inches on top and about 4.5 at the back and sides. Day to day it looks and feels great. I'm really happy with my hair at the moment. Plus its long enough now that when, I do have a bad hair day I just tie it back in a half tail.
My advice, stick with it and get a "tidy-up" trim when it starts to bug you. By the Summer you'll be loving it!
I also agree with Rich. You should experiment with new styles as you grow out... have a little fun. Why should the process be so painful?
Re: Awkward stage people on the baord
Posted by Steve-o on December 27, 2003 at 01:10:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Awkward stage people on the baord posted by Joe on December 23, 2003 at 12:33:47:
Well I'm fortunate enough to be past the main part of the awkward stage - my bangs reach my chin when pulled tight, lips when loose, and the back of my hair constantly gets stuck under my shirt collar when I put one on (I find that encouraging). I don't have any recent progress pics, but I'm planning on taking some sometime this weekend or early next week. You can check the link below for my pics I've already taken. Just some info - my last real haircut was December 5, 2002 and I've had 3 MINOR trims since then, although now I wish I HADN'T had the trims - I'd rather see the length for now, and even it out later, but all things come with time.
Wow that was a rant.....ok g'night everyone
happy holidays!