New Milestone

New Milestone
Posted by Doomlord on December 30, 2003 at 00:24:34: Previous Next

ok Im back from mexico, the bus ride was over 30 hours! needless to say I had a lot of time to reflect on stuff, like how far my hair has come, its never been this long before, in the past the longest I went without cutting it was only 2 years, this time its been since january of 2000 since my last cut so you do tha math, its past mid back now and now whats happening is that it seems harder and harder to wear it down, while in mexico one thing that happened that was new was that while I was running up some stairs i sort of lost my balance and brushed up against the wall, and it pinned about 5 inches worth of my hair between it and my arm! it didnt hurt or do any damage but it was just the weirdest feeling because this was so new to me, now Im starting to wonder how itll be when its longer, Im gonna post some newer pics later once I get them developed. I also saw several cousins who at one point started growing their hair long, but now had short hair, now leaving me to be the only guy with long hair in the family. its kinda wierd but they treat me normaly which is cool of them cuz I know I really look freakish compared to them. the only one who made a negative coment about it was my nephew whose only about 5, but I managed to shut him up, so all in all it was an excellent trip!

oh and as for the harsh water over there, heres what I ended up doing, I got a leave in conditioner called infusium 23 and it worked like a charm, it made it alot easier to comb and kept it from frizzing up so much.

Also on a sidenote, here in the US people usually tell me my hair looks really nice, but over in mexico its barely considered average, a lot of people over there have excellent hair, capable of making the fattest and longest braids Ive ever seen! I even saw women in there 70s with grey hair that was still past there waist! it was just unreal, heres my theory, beans! beans are supposed to be a good source of biotin(I think), lol, who knows.

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