New pics..

New pics..
Posted by Chris23 on December 30, 2003 at 08:02:53: Previous Next

Hi all, I never thought I'd put pics of myself up, but because of my positive responses that I got last time, I figured I'd put some new ones up. I just took these this morning. I seriously considered cutting it before I made my last post, but this is the longest I've ever had it in my life, I don't think it looks to bad. If you remember my last post, I talked about how I was worried that my hairline was receeding and how it looks thin in the front, the way that I took these pics were I took them kinda from the side where I think it looks thin, does it look noticeable from my pics? I was thinking that parting my hair and wearing it like this might contribute to that, but I'm not sure yet. I take horrible pics, so I hope these aren't to bad. Anyway, to view them just copy and paste the URL. I hope you all had a great holiday and Happy New Year.

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