Hi guys. New here. Q's on hair care?

Hi guys. New here. Q's on hair care?
Posted by Mr. Lowe on January 06, 2004 at 04:39:42: Previous Next

Greetings. I've been growing out my hair for a while, but recently decided to try and make it look a bit better. So, I've run across this site, and many others, which sometimes have contradictory info.. Just thought I'd get some of you folks's opinions...

Some background... I've been growing my hair out for about six years. Currently around mid-back. This is with, maybe, two trims... Very strait, quite fine. No dyes, bleach. Never treated it real well, though. Live dry (often cold) region, brushed it wet for a while, break out tangles, etc. etc.

So I've recently gotten a little fed up of it looking so ratty. The last six inches are dry and seem stiff. Anything I can do to help this??

Also, opinions on so-called 'oil treatments'?? Are they useful, good, is there some better method? Does the type of oil really matter?

Is there specific brands/typed of shampoos/conditioners to stay away from?? Just curious if there are specific brands/ types that are hell on long hair...

Lastly, how bad for your hair are things like gel/hair spray? I don't use them often, but I've seen mention of them, and I won't if they are death to hair. Since I primarily am interested in keeping the stray hair down, what other brands/products work for this... I saw something mentioned in the "RAQ" but am not familiar with the product.

I know I have more questions. If I remember them, I'll be back....


Mr. Lowe

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