Question(s) for Absalom

Question(s) for Absalom
Posted by Big L on January 07, 2004 at 03:19:08: Previous Next

You're the guy with the near knee-length hair that you keep tied at 4" intervals ?

I'm 41 and have 3 years' growth from 1" and have thinning hair that used to be very thick when I was younger (if that makes sense)! The individual hairs are very thick but there's fewer of them now. You've mentioned in your posts that you keep your hair tied as it has increased your terminal length considerably. I've tried this myself over the last week (using 3 or 4 bands) during the day and whilst I'm asleep. I've noticed a considerable difference in the texture of my hair already - it's much smoother and less coarse. I also like the look of it too (it makes a change from a standard 'tail).

My questions are : Do you need to keep your hair tied like this all the time to get the benefits you mention ? Do you ever have your hair loose or just in a ponytail ? At what stage in you hair journey did you start tying your hair like this ?

Thanks in anticipation,

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