wavy hair
Posted by Mike on January 13, 2004 at 15:16:56: Previous Next
I have wavy hair, it's not straight but its not curly. If i ad Aloe (tip for all guys who use hair gel, BUY FRUIT OF THE EARTH ALOE GEL) it comes in a clear bottle with a blue cap, sold at like walmart and any other place) It's natural and works just as hard at hair gel and it's so good for your hair. You can use it for a shaving gel, and it's great on your skin and especially face it tightens and gets rid of pimples in a day.
Anyways, I'v always had the Marine haircut and I'm growing my hair out sorta like a young Justin Timberlake, nice and neat on the sides and sorta curly on top. I've been cutting my bangs about to the length of 1/4 down my forehead, short. Is this Ok? It seems that when I let them grow it looks messy and the hair isn't as neat. Cutting the bangs seems to keep that neat look and the rest of the top of my head is very long and curls. Should I keep cutting my bangs?
Re: wavy hair
Posted by Reflective on January 13, 2004 at 20:27:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: wavy hair posted by Mike on January 13, 2004 at 15:16:56:
Do what ever you like and what ever you think looks good on you. There is nothing wrong with bangs.