
Posted by Juan on January 13, 2004 at 23:26:22: Previous Next

Hi there I have a question I'm using a shampoo that is good because it leaves my hair feeling soft and it has sodium xylene sulfonate it's that a bad ingredient? Also I'm using Clairol Herbal Essences conditioner is it a good conditioner it says it has natural herbs and botanicals? Also I heard that if you rinse your hair with water everyday that that is good because water is the best mostiruizer? I then put jojoba oil and other essential oils when my hair is wet so it gets absobred better and then comb it with a wide-tooth comb.This is what I do in the days I'm not shampooing and conditioning.I also apply a hot oil treatment on my head once every two weeks with natural oils like olive,jojoba,coconut,etc.I've also heard not oils should be placed on your scalp since it produces it's own natural oil(sebum)even if you have dry,brittle hair only on the hair not on the scalp does that sound right? I've measured my hair now for the first time Ive been growing my back hair now for about three months and my top and sides for about a month in a half.I have 3 inches in the back, 1 and a half in the top and sides.Is that a good growth? My hair growth goal right now is get about 10 inches of hair all over my head how long does that take to achieve that amount growth.Hope somebody can help!! Thank you so much!!

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