Couple of questions
Posted by IronMaiden on January 18, 2004 at 01:13:23: Previous Next
Hi all :)
I'm new here
Well I have a couple of questions .
First of all , I decided to have long hair about 7 months ago . My first question is : Is it normal that my hair start to curl?
It never did that to me before until a couple of months ago , why are they curling ? ( it's more the end of the hair, but sometimes it's half of it ). Will they stop curling after they become longer ? Is there anything I can do right now to have more straight hair ?
Also , why it's not good to wash their hairs everyday ? I always did that =/
And how come after I wash and comb my hair I lost some ? not a lot lol , but a couple ( like 10) . Is it normal?
One of my friend who is also letting his hair grow loose some of his hair when he wash and comb them .
I know this is a noob question , but do I need to use a conditioner ? What will that do to my hair ? :P
And how often do I have to use it ?
Well that's it, hehe
Thx for the help
Re: Couple of questions
Posted by Will on January 18, 2004 at 08:31:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: Couple of questions posted by IronMaiden on January 18, 2004 at 01:13:23:
Lots of people notice their hair curls towards the ends, this is very normal and many people with straight long hair experienced this. If it is your hair is just naturally wavy or curly, its not a bad thing at all and you should just enjoy it, its all long hair!
Very normal to loose hair in washes and when you brush, people dont wash everyday as it looses natural oils in your hair, often making it more frizzy or whatever, do whats best for your hair
Use conditioner after shampooing, leave it in for a few minuites and gently rinse it out, this makes your hair softer and more managable
Hope this helps!
Re: Couple of answers
Posted by Sorted on January 18, 2004 at 10:11:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: Couple of questions posted by IronMaiden on January 18, 2004 at 01:13:23:
Hair Curling at the ends is very common whilst growing out, there's at least two other mentions of it in questions within the last 4 days. My Experience is that by trimming the ends to a blunt finish you can avoid the annoying curl.
Washing everyday should be avoided because it can strip the hair of its own natural oils, generally advice is wash 2-3 times a week and conidition at the same time.
Conditioning your hair will make it more maneageable, easier to comb and generally can improve the "look" of your hair. Conditioner can also make your hair less greasy or mosturise it.. depending on your hair time. The most important thing about using conditioner is that can it that because it tends to seperate your hair strands it makes it easier to comb and consequently you don't break or damage as many hairs as you would otherwise.
That said loosing 10 hairs whilst combing isn't gonna make you go bald anytime this Century. Infact if thats all your loosing then your doing really well. You probably only noticing it now cos your hair is longer.
Re: Couple of questions
Posted by nWoSlapnut on January 18, 2004 at 19:14:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Couple of questions posted by IronMaiden on January 18, 2004 at 01:13:23:
I had no idea my hair was so naturally wavy until I decided to start growing it out, so in my experience, no, it is not abnormal for hair to curl up with length, especially at the ends.
Re: Couple of questions
Posted by Lanno on January 19, 2004 at 12:33:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: Couple of questions posted by IronMaiden on January 18, 2004 at 01:13:23:
i'm new here too.
the best advice that i've read in this board is to cut the curls at da end of your hair. trim it a little to get rid of it.