Oil hair treatment

Oil hair treatment
Posted by RonaldMcDonaldHair on January 19, 2004 at 09:32:50: Previous Next

I was just on the phone to my Girlfriend who told me that she had just spoken to a hairstylist in her local salon. The subject of treating damaged hair came up and the stylist told my gf that she recommended warming some sunflower oil (of the kitchen variety) and rubbing it into her hair then placing a plastic bag over her hair and wrapping it in a towel. She was told to leave it like this for an hour and then thouroughly wash it out. According to this stylist this is better than any hot oils treatment that you can buy in the shops and it is what she does to have healthy hair..

well I was wondering if anyone has tried this.

I may give it a go this afternoon and I'll report back on the results.

P.s I wish I hadnt chosen RonaldMcDonald hair as my nick as its no longer appropriate to my hair... oh well never mind!

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