
Posted by That Ball Guy on January 20, 2004 at 23:46:05: Previous Next

I was at Wal-mart today and in the craft section I happened to find some beads. Not just your ordinary craft beads, but the large, dreadlock style beads, made of wood. Nice patterns, not at all bad, so I decided to buy one bag of each design. Got back to the school, took about 10 minutes to figure out how to get one on a lock of hair, then put three in, rather inconspicuously, and set off for class.

I have never gotten so many friggin' compliments on my hair in one day! Granted, it's the new semester, with new people around, but it seemed to be more than usual, and many of the comments were "tight beads" or "dude, you don't have dreads and you can pull it off. . sweet!". Just real encouraging as I had never really thought about hair decorations before.

So I was just wondering if anybody else has tried this, and if so, what reactions did you recieve?

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