The History of Hair Cuts.

The History of Hair Cuts.
Posted by S - on January 24, 2004 at 15:46:04: Previous Next

Hi all. On my way home from work today i got the usual chorus of 'get a haircut hippie' etc etc from some local kids who hang around a train station i use.

This is a regular routine for them and because they don't seem to tire of it i don't bother to answer. Anyway, that's not why i'm posting.

As i walked on by i thought 'you know, if they didn't cut their hair they would look similar to i. Long hair is a more natural state of their why do they find it so weird?'.

Ok, ok...maybe i think too much but an interesting question (to me) i thought of was 'when and why did MALES start cutting their hair?' Is there some 'Hunter - Gatherer' reason for this or was it just simply a style thing?

If anyone knows when/ why or of any research done on this topic and posted somewhere I’d appreciate the link.


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