Keep it long - do what makes you happy

Keep it long - do what makes you happy
Posted by Bob on January 25, 2004 at 23:13:35: Previous Next

I'm old timer with long hair - the late 1960's, I was a young blood when I started - 12 !!!!

Anyhow - back then alot of long hairs were into drugs, anti war in Vietnam (a no no to alot of people), against the US government - and if you had long hair (women who did followed also), all fit into the same class.

I found back then that doing your own thing - and not what the majority felt - made you a STRONGER person.

For me - I had/have long hair, ride Harley Davidsons for many years, earings, tattoos, married, no children (many thought that was weird years ago - what no children ???), my wife and I have dogs !!

The above things made me strong - nobody bothers me anymore - but years ago all things above were rebellious.

Since the late 60's I wanted to do MY OWN thing and not be like a sheep being herded by the shepherd - does anybody know what is correct ?? no - do what YOU feel is correct, and offer NO explanation of why you have long hair - maybe something quick like - it's what I like...

Those that comment in a negative fashion are robots - boring, no idea to try something different, must be a fellow sheep in the herd !!

So - my fellow brothers ----- keep that hair long - do your own thing, and be happy.....

Hey - when I started riding Harley Davidsons years back alot of bikers were dirt bags, etc, got bad image - today - motorcycles are a fashion - MUCH more accepted, ridden by all types of people. SAME as long hair - it MUST be seen on high school/college students, and all types of men in society so it can be seen - we are NOT dirt bags.

Hey - I'm CLEAN/dress nice, educated, computer professional make good $$ and I'm a long hair !!

Peace .....

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