No trim.

No trim.
Posted by Sherri on February 02, 2004 at 11:13:41: Previous Next

Well, the trim I mentioned last week (was it last week?) didn't happen. I washed my hair and asked my mom to trim it. She had left her hair scissors at my great-aunt's the last time she did her hair. I saw it as a sign, and that was that. I don't see split ends at the bottom anyhow, and really hate losing length.

I've become a blow dryer junkie again. I bought a blow dryer with hot, warm and cool settings. I've been using the warm. I'd rather have my hair dry in 10 minutes, opposed to the normal 8 hours. I'm tired of frozen hair.

Well, back to studying for the test I have tonight. I'll update the pics pages sometime after Wednesday.

I hope this finds everyone well, and everyone's hair long!

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