Hey guys

Hey guys
Posted by Coyote on February 04, 2004 at 00:35:47: Previous Next

Hi there, I'm a daily visitor but I only occassionally post. My hair is currently near chin length and getting longer each day. I saw a guy with what I guess would be called a feminine style. He had it up in a messy loop. Ya know, you make a ponytail but you don't pull the hair all the way through. Anyways, it looked good on him and it's nice to have it as a styling option for when my hair get's long enough. I'd never considered it as a 'manly' style before, but hey it works. And some advice. Even if you don't show them to anyone else, take progress pictures! They're great motivation and it's a good feeling to see how far you've come. Talk to you all later!

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