Need some advice on starting a grow

Need some advice on starting a grow
Posted by Keith on February 08, 2004 at 23:23:23: Previous Next

Hey everyone!
About a month ago I decided to start growing out my hair for college. Basically I was just too busy for a haircut and never felt like getting one, so I went for I think 2 months without one and my hair got to be a couple inches overall. It was pretty messy around my ears though, and my sideburns tend to stick out a little, I've got big ears, lol.
Anyways, last week my boss a work said something about my hair being "shaggy" and I needed a cut. I was going to have a girl in my class just clip it a bit where it was messy, but that never happend, so I went over to the haircutter place and told them to cut just half an inch off, I think she took off an inch instead, and she didn't go a good job at that either, it's got those straight lines where you can see where the scissors cut, I think she should have made more numerous little cuts instead of just cutting in rows.
Anyways...I'm still determined to grow it out all summer, I'm not getting another haircut until it's at least to my shoulders.

This wouldn't be complete with some questions, so here they are:
1) Sideburns, what do you do with them?
2) Are there any products I can use to make my hair softer and more limp? The strands are pretty thick and tend to stick out all over now that it's shorter. I'm not into gel really, I can never get the back to look ok with gel, it always gets matted down and I look like some old child molester, haha. The only thing that helps is not washing it, but then it's stinky!
3) How can I tell if it'll be wavy or straight when it's grown out? It flays out in the back like in the picture of Tom Green, does this man it'll be wavy?
4) What if it turns into a MULLET? (hint: I don't want one)

Thanks for any advice,

Here's how my hair looked a week ago, before I got it cut:

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