Posted by Chris on February 10, 2004 at 07:47:11: Previous Next
What the hell is Dandruff? Why is it harmful?Where does it come from? Why does it form? Right now I've been growing my thick hair for about 14 months. My bangs are almost to my chin but my problem is at the top of my head in the middle where my hair line is, I've noticed lots of white "dandruff" I guess. Now I use Teatree Shampoo and conditioner. I shampoo about 2-3 times a week and I condition about 4-5 times a week(I usually leave-in). Should I shampoo more? condition less? why the hell do I have dandruff and is it going to screw up the health of my hair? I haven't had a trim(evening of tips)since end of November. Should I go to salon and see what they have to say?......and finally does wearing a ball cap or stocking cap cause harm to my hair and lead to this dandruff? Thanks respond to whichever questions you can.
Re: Dandruff?
Posted by Nyghtfall on February 10, 2004 at 09:52:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Dandruff? posted by Chris on February 10, 2004 at 07:47:11:
: What the hell is Dandruff?