Curly hair - tying it.

Curly hair - tying it.
Posted by Mike on February 27, 2004 at 15:36:58: Previous Next

Hi there.

Unlike a lot of people here, I am actually not concerned about the appearance of my hair, per se - I have let it grow from a 'skinhead' type of haircut, and it has taken about 3 years to get (just) past what you might call shoulder-length! It's rather strange in fact; it goes from wavy at the top, to curly at the bottom, there are even a few "ringlets". I look like Crystaltips (from "Crystaltips and Alastair" - ask your parents, they're how I found out)!

Such digression! What I wanted to ask was, does anybody know a way of making curly-hair-tying easier? I just can't seem to get it right in one fell swoop; the curlyness really hinders this. I'm not interested in straightening it, I just want to know a good way of tying it into a ponytail for convenience.

Thanks a lot!

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