You'll all be proude of me!

You'll all be proude of me!
Posted by tommy turbo on March 05, 2004 at 00:28:41: Previous Next

Well all,

I was laid off from my job, about 2 weeks ago. I won't go into details, but I wasn't the only person laid off, due to a contract change.

Any way, the new manager is a person I know, was a co-worker. He is trying to get me back, and called me to get together and discuss options.

So I go over to this local restauruant and am very optomistic. we talk for a while, and he says that If I want to come back, i'd have to cut my hair, and then he could convince corprate into bringing me back. I am told that the corprate people are not ok with it long. I didn't loose my cool, and didn't say anything one way or another.

I have decided, I will not do that, if I am wanted as much as I was told, then they will have to take me as is. I will not be a damn pupet on a string for their comfort and convience. I may not have an exact plan, or any great prospects yet, but I will find a way to make it with long hair in this world.

I learned from my mistake once before, And will not make the same again. So rest comfortably all, I haven't caved for the money.

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