HOW will you decide on YOUR LENGTH??

HOW will you decide on YOUR LENGTH??
Posted by Luckskind on March 05, 2004 at 12:48:18: Previous Next

Over two years ago, when I decided to let my hair grow out,
I had NO IDEA of the length I wanted.

At first it was chin level. Then it was shoulder length.
But when I finally reached THAT goal, I wanted it LONGer still!

And now I can't even bring myself to having it cut or trimmed yet.
(With NO split ends or damage, I have no reason to.)

I do not know what my terminal length is as I've never grown my hair this long before.
So WHEN will this 'quest' end? Or will it?
At THIS TIME I have no idea of what my goal is, or of just
HOW LONG I want my hair.

Do any of you have any 'ideas' of how LONG you want YOUR HAIR to go?
(And don't be surprised if those goals keep changing!)

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