The Makeover Conspiracy...

The Makeover Conspiracy...
Posted by Doomlord on March 10, 2004 at 01:32:11: Previous Next

Sup all, Now we've all seen those makeover shows where the first thing they wanna do is cut hair(on women as well as men), now this always used to bug me, but have you noticed how so many of the the women who cut hair(for a living) tend to wear it long? But why? Shouldnt they follow their own advice? On these shows they always say "oh short hair makes you look younger" and "you need a change?" "you need layers" and change the color. But why? Hair dying drys and damages hair, layers are just something few people can maintain and the majority of people know the longer the hair the younger you look since as people get older they tend to cut their hair shorter and shorter. But just the other day it finally hit me(I know it took me a while) the reason they do this is because thats their job! They know as well as anyone the damage they can do to hair, they know long hair gives a younger look, and in most cases it gives a slimmer look, BUT if they told people the truth then they wouldnt get any clients and in turn wouldnt be able to eat. So like car salesmen they tell you bold face lies to get you to buy their product(or in this case service) because they want your money, not because they want to make you look better.

I may be wrong but this is just my theory based on what Ive seen over the years, and to me at least this makes perfect sense.

So I've now come to realize theyre not the enemy, its just their job to make you believe theyre on your side, kinda like insurance salesmen.

Does this make sense to anyone out there?

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